write perspective

Loner_ Creative Writing Exercise (example).docx

Please write 250 words (1 page) from the perspective of Veronica. This exercise still has the same “you” format, but in this case the “you” would of course be David Federman (or…someone else?) who is on Veronica’s mind. This should be fun., but also hammer home the point that Veronica and David are, arguably, very similar characters in terms of lack of empathy, sociopathy, etc (I posit “loner” in the title refers to both of them). Of course David is more violent so he’s probably worse but Veronica is written as his equal (whether this is a good or bad thing).

This is creative so the only rule is to write from Veronica’s POV. It can be a scene in the book, or a scene you added; can feature people in the book, or people you add: perhaps Veronica has a back story with her family that makes her not trust, etc.

Can’t wait to read these:)

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