Healthcare Sample Paper


• A developed 4-page ARGUMENTATIVE essay
• An organized argument with a beginning, middle, and end
• A thesis (placed at the end of the intro.) that reflects the writer’s position or argument.
• 3 sources (no more than 3): avoid shallow Wikipedia arguments and mediocre dictionary-like definitions.
• In-text citations and works cited page (MLA Documentation Style) that involves author name and PAGE NUMBER.
• MLA Paper Format

My opinion on this matter is Obesity shouldn’t be considered as a disability.


-Introduction – Thesis (should contain opposition’s first and second point followed by your first point and second point. As part of thesis statement, both your points need supporting evidence in a very brief manner)

-Body Paragraph 1- refute opposition’s first point (this is the first point raised by those who argue that obesity should be considered as a disability)

-Body Paragraph 2- refute opposition’s second point (this is the second point raised by those who argue that obesity should be considered as a disability)

-Body Paragraph 3 – present your first point and supporting evidence (this is your first point in which you argue that obesity should NOT be considered as a disability).

-Body Paragraph 4- Present your second point and supporting evidence (this is your second point in which you argue that obesity should NOT be considered as a disability). -Conclusion 


Should Obesity Be Considered a Disability?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.9 billion adults around the world are overweight, 600 million of whom are obese. As of 2014, 13% of all the adults in the world were obese (Ells 341). Obesity refers to a condition in which the individual has accumulated excess body fat to a point where it is detrimental to their health. An individual is considered obese if their Body Mass Index exceeds 30 kg/m2. Obesity can lead to many chronic health conditions including coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In a landmark court case determined in December 2014, the European Union (EU) judges ruled that obesity could be classified as a disability. The question that remains unanswered is whether obesity should indeed be considered a disability. Those supporting the argument believe that in most cases obesity is genetic and as such cannot be overcome. Others believe that any individual fitting the WHO definition of an obese individual has a disability considering that he/she is discriminated against and tends to have fewer fitness-related opportunities than the general population. Nevertheless, the reality is that obesity should not be considered a disability for the simple reason that it is preventable and controllable.


Disability is defined as an impairment that affects the way an individual goes about their daily activities in ways that cannot be controlled. One of the reasons why some individuals are of the opinion that obesity should be classified as a disability is that it is genetics in some cases. According to then, one cannot do much about a genetic condition and as such, is not in control of his/her weight. A recent study showed that among the causes of obesity, genetics counts for more than 1/5 of the obese population (Moyer 373). The statistics can be convincing if one fails to realize that obesity is controllable. Just because someone is born of an obese family does not mean that they need to be and stay obese. From an early age, obese individuals can enlist help from health practitioners on how they can manage their obesity through dietary and lifestyle changes. If obesity is going to be considered a disability, it should be something that absolutely no one can do anything about it.

It is one thing for the European Court of Justice to consider morbid obesity a disability, but it is a totally differentthing to classify everyone who fits the WHO definition of obesity a disabled individual. Obese individuals are considered morbidly obese if their BMI exceeds 40 kg/m2 or if they have a BMI greater than 35 kg/m2 coupled with obesity-related health conditions (Donini et al., 2510). Having a BMI that is greater than 40 means that they weigh at least 100 pounds over their body weight. For such individuals, this weight is indeed disabling. The European Court, as well as others supporting the argument,is simply being lenient to overweight individuals. Obese people can function perfectly well; it just takes them longer to execute their duties. The decision of the court has given obese employees an excuse to claim special treatment even when they do not need it. All obese individuals should realize that it is not too late for them to do something about their weight, unlike those who are morbidly obese.

Disability can be physical, cognitive, sensory, intellectual, developmental or a combination of all these factors (Ells 242). This means that one can be involved in an accident and be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of their lives. Alternatively, they can be born with a form of mental illness that restricts their movement all through their lives. The difference between actual disability and obesity is the fact that obesity does not have to be permanent. Every obese individual has the choice to lose weight. The first step is to change their attitude towards obesity, regardless of whether it is genetic or not. Once they change their attitude they can begin to take their diet more seriously. They can start exercising regularly and working towards shedding some weight and maintaining it. Classifying obesity as a disability not only makes the affected individuals comfortable, it also makes it okay for the next generations to be obese in order to receive preferential treatment.


More often than not, obese individuals are addicted to fatty and sugary food stuffs. As a result, the weight starts being uncontrollable and their fat deposits stack up instead of being broken down through regular exercise. In the same way, a smoking addiction may lead to lung cancer. Therefore, claiming that obesity is a disability is almost as disturbing as claiming that lung cancer is a disability. Both cases present cases of addiction, which can be stopped through proper therapy and rehabilitation depending on the way it is manifested. Instead of looking for excuses to avoid discrimination at work, obese individuals should be looking for ways in which they can control their addictions as well as what they consume. If children are brought up knowing the right food that they should take as well as the importance of exercise, cases of obesity will drastically decrease in the next few generations. In essence, building a culture that enables individuals to watch their weight and their general well-being will go a long way in eliminating the consequent conditions associated with obesity. Being obese should not be considered a disability especially since it is something that can be prevented.

To conclude, obesity should not be considered a disability. Taking laziness as an example, it can limit the ability of someone to complete a task the same way that obesity can have an impact on the way someone carries out their task. Attitude plays a big role in this case. One can choose to stop being lazy the same way they can decide to stop being obese and work towards that. I therefore strongly disagree with those individuals who seem to think that obesity qualifies as a disability simply because of the challenges associated with it and the discrimination that comes with being obese. Discrimination against obese individuals at the work place and in life is a general occurrence that should be eliminated but not in this way. While one may be sympathetic to some of the reasons, the reality remains that obesity is preventable and controllable. For this reason, it is the responsibility of the nation at large to ensure that obesity stops being a problem. This can be done through sensitization and programs that encourage obese individuals to check their diets and exercise routines. That said, the European Court decision should be reversed before more millions of people are affected by its implications.

Works Cited

Donini, Lorenzo M., et al. “Assessing disability in morbidly obese individuals: The Italian Society of Obesity test for obesity-related disabilities.” Disability and Rehabilitation 33.25 (2011), 2509-2518. Print.

Ells, L. J., et al. “Obesity and disability–a short review.” Obesity Reviews 7.4 (2006): 341-345.Print.

Moyer, Virginia A. “Screening for and management of obesity in adults: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement.” Annals of Internal Medicine, 157.5 (2012): 373-378.Print.