grammar and punctuation 2

hello there, I need help writing this sentence. I have everything explained in the bottom.

The best way to learn grammar and punctuation rules is to read through a grammar book and then find errors in your own paper.

Please read the “Edit” section in The Little Seagull Handbook. You don’t have to read every page, but if you know that you often have problems with semicolons, read the section on semicolons. If you don’t know how to properly use a dash, read up on dashes. Also, read through some sections that you may not have read before. Are you making any errors because you didn’t know a rule existed?

Find three rules that you didn’t know about or were using incorrectly. Provide the name of the rule below along with its page number, and then quote the sentence from your paper where you misused the rule. Write a corrected version below.


Page 259: Comma Splice. “When clauses are linked by a transition such as therefore or as a result, the transition needs to be preceded by a semicolon and followed by a comma.”

Incorrect version

It is a good idea to proofread your paper, however it is better to proofread with a grammar guide by your side.

Corrected version

It is a good idea to proofread your paper; however, it is better to proofread with a grammar guide by your side.

Don’t forget, post three rules and three examples from your paper, not just one.

Thank you

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