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primary source anaylis

Attached is a pdf file to also pull information from. Chapters 1-4 will be helpful. maybe chapter 5. Please be very specific. Use losts of details. The purpose of these exercises is to enhance your ability to analyze primary sources, relate their contents to other textual evidence, and engage in the practice of historical interpretation. […]


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healthcare paper 6

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affecting your thinking regarding healthcare? You might begin your thinking around these two questions. Is healthcare a choice? Is healthcare a right? What might this mean in terms of future growth in the U.S.? In addition, what are some viable alternatives to this problem? What implications might these alternatives have […]


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assignment 2 212

You should focus on the fact that the solution is only mine and not repeated. Prepare an in-depth analysis of two case studies for assignment 2. Here are some guidelines: ï‚· This is an individual assessment, which is a part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking. So, avoid copy/paste answers. ï‚· […]


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what s the focus on benefits safety and health at a company

Unit VII PowerPoint Presentation Due: Tuesday, 04/07/2020 11:59 PM (CST) Instructions For this assignment, imagine you are an expatriate manager for a subsidiary of a major company headquartered in the United States. You are preparing a PowerPoint presentation to brief the CEO on your plan to address the safety issues specific to the country (of […]


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provide 2 different ppt slides one a draft version and second a final version both the ppt s should follow 7×7 rule

Using an organization that you currently work for or have worked for previously, create a PowerPoint presentation with the following slides: Slide 1: Introduction of the organization Slide 2: History of the organization Slide 3: Your role within the organization Slides 4 – 10: Describe seven of the following elements related to the organization (select […]


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mba 5101 strategic management and business policy unit 2

SWOT Analysis Research a company of your choosing to create a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Please note the importance of picking a company with enough information and sources to support your analysis. Selecting a publicly held company is recommended. Your analysis should identify the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Use Microsoft […]


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topic 1 dq 1 comment 4 2

***Comment this*** Smoking and tobacco use has long been present throughout history and it has long been known to cause many health related issues. As part of that, the introduction of electronic cigarettes were invented as a means to aid those with a tobacco addiction in quitting. However, electronic cigarettes, or vaping, has become increasingly […]


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psy3322 discussion

The textbook describes several approaches to understanding how childhood disorders develop: biological, psychological, developmental, & social and cultural and family factors. The biological approach puts emphasis on the brain’s development, genetics, maturation, and how the physical body influences psychopathology. The psychological approach considers emotional, behavioral, and cognitive processing and how it influences psychopathology. The psychological […]


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essay competitive value of healthcare it 1

Essay- Competitive Value of Healthcare IT Evaluate the sources of the competitive advantage and improvements in organizational performance. Discuss how these improvements help to leverage organizational processes and new business models. Describe the leveraging of IT innovations to improve organizational processes to help the organization meet its mission, vision, and strategic goals. Discuss the critical […]


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analysis risk

Portfolio Management and Risk Analysis Using weekly price data of the 30 Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) stocks for the past three years, construct the portfolios listed below. Portfolios Structure: 6 portfolios of 5 stocks, 3 portfolios of 10 stocks, 2 portfolios of 15 stocks, and 1 portfolio of 30 stocks For the portfolios, compute […]


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