art102 k weekly assignment 3

  1. Watch the Smarthistory video on the Sistine Chapel, then go to the Vatican Museum website (links below) to explore the ceiling, The Last Judgment, North and South Wall, and Entrance Wall.
  2. Choose a particular panel or section or subject from the Chapel and address the following:
  • The name, artist and location in the chapel. (Not all the paintings are by Michelangelo.)
  • A short description of the artwork: What do you see?
  • What is the subject/story? Use the website or search information on the subject. Could be a biblical story, a prophet, etc.
  • Why did you choose this particular panel or section from the Sistine Chapel?
  • (DO NOT choose The Creation of Adam! since this one is on the study guide as an image on the Exam)

Make sure you write in full sentences in paragraph form. 75 to 100 words.

Smarthistory: The Sistine Chapel (Links to an external site.)

Sistine Chapel Museum website (Links to an external site.)

Sistine Chapel (The Ceiling in detail)

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