a reflection about course materials

Write and submit your weekly reflection. This should be an original piece of writing, 500 to 700 words in length. It should consist of 2 paragraphs, 1 for each prompt you select.Select 2 of the 3 prompts below. Please write in full sentences and proofread:

Prompt 1 (readings): Writing forty years ago in “Do Artifacts Have Politics,” Winner describes how designed objects and systems often disadvantage certain people. This is especially true in the age of digital media. What is an example of a contemporary technology that comes to mind when you read Winner’s text and how does it embody certain “politics”?

Prompt 2 (guest lecture): Pick any one of the ten principles of design justice that Costanza-Chock gives at the end of her talk. Explain what it means and give an example of what it might look like in action (how designers might actually do it) based on what you have learned in the rest of her talk.

Prompt 3 (screening): The film Hackers shows us a particular “imaginary of technology” – a set of cultural ideas about what tech is, who uses it, and what it means for society. If someone rewrote the film for 2020, how do you think it would be different? What are some elements of the film’s “imaginary of technology” that would likely change and how?

The video of Sasha Costanza-Chock’s 2019 talk “Design Justice” can be found online at

the following link:

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