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Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is characterized by an intense and uncontrollable fear of social settings, although there might not be any evidence of tangible threats. As social exposures tend to stimulate this disorder, people with social phobia adopt typically avoidance behavioral techniques as coping mechanisms (APA, 2015). Individuals with Social anxiety disorder feel paralyzed around others, as they sense being closely monitored, judged, or threatened (APA, 2015). Additionally, this condition can affect greatly their activity of daily living. They become isolative and anxious to interact with new people, attend public gatherings, or even using public restroom. Moreover, individuals with this disorder often limit their potentials. They may decline employments that involve self-exhibitions, such as meeting people or giving speeches. In cases where facing those challenges become imperative, people with this disorder feel that the world is closing on them, as “they endure these tasks with great dread and anxiety†(APA, 2015, para. 2).
According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), individuals that have experienced violent, stressful, or embarrassing moments, such as bullying, sexual or physical assaults, or vomiting during a speech, are more prone to social phobia (APA, 2015). Evidence-base practice endorsed that psychotherapy, which is a combination of therapy and medications, facilitates successful recovery. Although the treatment might not provide a complete cure, but people who engage actively in their care could living a healthy lifestyle (APA, 2015). Moreover, exercise, relaxation, attending support group therapy and avoidance of caffeine products could assist in a speedy recovery (APA, 2015).
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