run the code challenge 2
Part 1
Log in to Codio to complete the following activities, which in total represent approximately 1.5 to 2 hours of hands-on work (These times are approximate and everyone’s experience may vary, please plan accordingly and try to start earlier in the week):
- Random String
- Hunt for red
Remember, if you respond incorrectly to a challenge activity, you can use the “show/hide section” list in the drop-down menu in Codio to access the content that led up to the challenge and complete the activity correctly.
Part 2
This third artifact addresses developing functions and using regular expressions to search for patterns. Review the Final Project Script Three Draft Guidelines and Rubric document for additional details to complete this assignment. The starter file for this assignment can be accessed in Codio.
Review the following Codio videos for further assistance with this assignment:
- Video: Grocery List/ATM – Demonstration of key programming concepts you will use to write the final project Grocery List and ATM scripts. The video also demonstrates how to get started typing this script in Codio.
- Video: HELP – This video demonstrates how to get HELP with error messages and how to troubleshoot errors
Part 3
It is time to submit the final version of this script. Remember to review your feedback from your instructor. Take this opportunity to revise your draft script and review the applicable resources related to developing it.
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