research paper south asia counterterrorism
(Great English is a must)
(1000 word research paper Research Paper)
Subject of the paper: Non-Traditional Security
Requirement: The professed provided me with the first question from the attached pdf to respond. The question should be responded under the form of a Research Paper of about 1000 words,APA format (not counting reference page and cover page).
The question: Terrorism and political violence are challenges in South Asia. Non-State Actors (NSA), such as terrorist organisations, have espoused a wide variety of causes, including national selfdetermination and militant religious extremism. NSA has exploited international events to promote radical and extremism in that region. Examine how South Asia should counterterrorism and focus on strengthening multilateral engagement.
Format: The paper should be written in APA format , and should contain up to date references (no older than 5 years). They should also be incorporated under the form of in text citation. The text should be double spaced, times new roman, 12 pt,double spaced. Check the attached pdf for more infos.
*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***
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