research paper about taxation of alcohol and tobacco apa style 1

You are not limited to only scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles. Websites, magazines, interviews are all allowable.


  • 6-8 pages
  • Title page in APA format
  • Reference page in APA format
  • APA standard formatting
  • In-text citations



  • Establish issue and why you are writing about the topic
  • Include main points that you will discuss about the topic


  • Discuss the problem in detail, do not assume that your readers understand or are aware of the problem/vital aspect
  • Establish who is this a problem for, does it affect many or just a few?
  • Discuss the problem as a problem, use language that suggests that this is an issue or use language to discuss your element is vital.
  • Should be written in third person; however, if you have personal experience you may use one paragraph discussing your experience with the issue/vital aspect
  • You may interview people as sources
  • You are not to include a solution to the problem, this is just a paper informing an audience about an issue.


Restate the problem and main points.

The topic is about taxation of alcohol and tobacco. Make APA style. (And the most important thing is make sure to use simple English).

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