paper critique natural system
I. Assignment Description
Submit written critiques of journal articles, book chapters, and any additional in your assigned reading list for the specific module. This critique needs to be a one-page summary – single spaced, with font size: 12. All text must be appropriately cited; references must be included in the next one or pages. Refer to a minimum of 5 readings in your text. Use any citation style of your choice. Include at least one or two design implications of the research described in the readings, in your text.
II. Grading Rubric
1) Grammar and formatting: x/1 (total) – Paper is free of typographical and grammatical errors (only 1-2 will be excused): 1 point
2) Subject matter: x/2 (total) – Paper is complete and demonstrates a thorough understanding of concepts in assigned readings: 1 point – Paper demonstrates your ability to analyze and criticize research in assigned readings, as well as formulate design implications from the research as necessary: 1 point
3) Writing style: x/1 (total) – Paper must be written in a formal academic style. Word choice should not reflect a conversational or relaxed dialogue. Ideas are articulated in a writing style that is concise and professional. All work is cited correctly in any citation style: 1 point
Total assignment score: x/4 Please note that only complete papers will be graded. Incomplete papers will be returned to the student with one opportunity to complete and resubmit within 3 days for a late grade (-2 points) and as per late work policy in the syllabus. Papers that include direct text from assigned readings will also be returned.
Please write it all together as a story and put the references.
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