macroeconomic writing assignment
In order to complete the writing assignment, you will need to use two articles:
What Is Economics Good For? – The New York Times.pdf
The Real Trouble With Economics – The New York Times.pdf
In the essay, you will have to address the following points:
- What are the main points in both articles?
- What models, examples, or data from class can be perceived as over-scientific?
- In light of the ideas in the articles, should we react to economic crisis in a scientific or an intuitive way?
- Do you think macroeconomics can help us find better solutions to crises? How?
The format to be followed is specific:
- 1.5 line spacing and 1-inch margins.
- Font: Times New Roman, size 12. Color: Black.
- 2.5 pages min.-3 pages max.
- The essay must have a title: follow the same format as in the rest of the paper but underline and center it.
- All resources used must be cited.
- Name must be in the header. That is the only identification necessary per essay.
- Use paragraphs, punctuation and grammar appropriately. (3-4 paragraphs per page are easier to read and write).
- Graphs, mathematical analysis or data should be attached in an appendix and referenced in the paper.
- Justify text in an appropriate way.
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