intercultural communication and engagement
Gospel Communication Project Instructions (Part 1)
The Gospel Communication Project allows students to apply the principles of Cultural Intelligence to a specific cross-cultural evangelistic encounter. In this 3-part project, students will research cultural elements which will affect a person’s understanding of the gospel message, create a strategy for communicating effectively with a person from a specific culture, and present the story of God through video.
Part 1: Cultural Profile (Module/ Week 3)
This paper will be the first section of an ongoing gospel communication project in this course. For this paper, you should choose someone you know who is from a significantly different culture than your own (look for differences in things like country/region of origin, ethnicity, language, religion, time orientation, etc.). This person should be an unbeliever (or you will need to pretend that they are an unbeliever for the sake of this paper), and they should be from a macro-culture (think of a culture associated with a foreign country). You will write a formal academic paper about the cultural elements of this person. This paper will prepare you to share God’s story with them in an effective way for their culture and worldview. While there is no specific word count or page count for this project, significant effort should be made to thoroughly explore each of the topics below. Your paper should be neatly formatted and organized, and it should include a cover page, page numbers, footnote citations, proper headings and subheadings, and a bibliography. It should be double spaced and in Times New Roman, 12- pt. font.
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