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Apply a critical thinking principle to readings 7-10 (the “noteworthy debates” readings). Again: for this class, we mean something specific by critical thinking (ruling out rival hypotheses, falsifiability, replicability, extraordinary claims, Occam’s razor, correlation vs. causation). Ask me if you have questions! You should use a different one for each reading, but one repeat is fine. You do not have to conclude that the readings are wrong – if there is evidence of replicability or falsifiability, you can say so, just provide evidence to back up your claim and explain why. If you use direct quotes, you must also state the quote in your own words immediately to demonstrate your understanding.

2. Look into the mirror!

A. Imagine a way—based in the readings—that your future self could act or benefit from unconscious bias. Please pick two unique examples: a way that unconscious bias could affect you AND a way that you could contribute to or benefit from systemic bias.

B. How might you use the threat-based approach to prejudice to reduce your own biases or the biases of those around you?

3. Again, define social justice as you see it, using the readings to explain your perspective. How do these biases occur? Which method of reducing prejudice that we discussed do you think will best help us achieve social justice as a society?

Make sure to note any changes in how you understand the topics of social justice.

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