entrepreneurship assignment 4
Exploring Intrapreneurship
Review the EBSCOhost article Defining the Motivations and Capabilities of Young Intrapreneur: Literature Review and Research Opportunities.
Through research from sources provided in the course and from academic and scholarly resources outside of the course, evaluate and discuss the following elements:
- Discuss the differences and similarities of Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship.
- How might your current organization or a former organization that you have been a member of incorporate the elements of Intrapreneurship?
- Discuss what the future of Intrapreneurship.
Make sure that your paper is formatted using the APA style guide. It should contain a title page, abstract, body, conclusion, and reference section. The paper should be between 750 – 1000 words long (the title page, abstract, and references section are not counted toward the word requirement).
Make sure your paper includes:
- At least three references from outside the course material. You may use the supplemental readings in the week for your references. References must come from academic and scholarly journals or essays found in EBSCOhost, major news outlets, and government websites. You should not include sources such as Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, and blogs.
Please provide original work. No plagiarizing.
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