discussion question 1789
Part I:
Research has shown that men, on average, are somewhat more aggressive than women. But arguably the most interesting findings concerned the different types of aggression displayed by different genders. They concluded that men, more than women, tend to aggress in ways that produce pain and physical injury and not in ways that result in psychological or social harm. Further, women were more perceptive of the products of aggression for both the victim (harm) and the aggressor (guilt, anxiety, and possible danger). Eagly and Steffen concluded that the gender-based aggressive behavioral differences were a result of learned aspects of gender roles as well as other social roles. For part I you are to post a brief video (2 minutes or less) that shows ways either males are aggressive OR females are aggressive (not both). Discuss what your video portrays and how this is related to the male or female gender role (depending on whether you choose a male or female form of aggression in your video.
Part II
Cut and paste the following link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/456845.stm, review the article, summarize in one paragraph what the article is stating about rape. Please conclude by posting a link to a recent story that discusses and supports rape culture. Be sure to conclude by answering why is rape culture perpetuated in America and other cultures across the world.
Part III
How aggressive are you? Take the following quiz- http://www.quibblo.com/quiz/beLcanP/How-aggressive… (cut and paste the link). Discuss your results, when you are most likely to be aggressive and why? Please respond in at least one paragraph.
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