create the materials
Now, we will create the materials for the project and we will focus on encouraging the first responders and their families to make a commitment to prepare for emergencies by following three simple steps:
- Get an emergency supply kit.
- Make a family emergency plan.
- Be informed about the types of emergencies that you may be called upon to respond to, and know what to do when a disaster strikes.
To do this we will follow the Ready document and we create:
1- Powerpoint presentation show them the importance of 3 step above. (Look at the presentation in Ready document page 12,13, and 14) we might do something smilier like that.( YOU ALREAD DID THIS you don’t need to change anything)
2- we create form for family plan (Like that one in page 15) and you look to other template in FEMA website or in the internet. It should be attractive and simple.
3- we create form for the emergency supply kit (Look at page 17) and you look to other template in FEMA website or in the internet. ( I don’t like the format that you used last time, please follow this one and do it in good format that will be easy for people and attractive)
4- create the evaluation form that we will use to evaluate this training after a months from the training day. ( you need to do it again, what you did last time was questions like an exam, so we don’t want to do like that. it will be checklist with yes, no, and n/a answers.
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