comparative analysis 1918 influenza vs covid 19
Write and submit a Comparative Analysis that complies with ALL of the following instructions:
For each of your answers, you must indicate from which source(s) you took your information. For information taken from the reading use (READ), from the WHO website use (WHO); and from the CDC website (CDC);. Note them just as shows in the preceding sentence, inside parentheses. Put the parentheses at the end of the sentence in which you provided the information.
- The Comparative Analysis shall include the following two components:
- What are three significant things that the 1918 Influenza and Covid-19 Pandemics have in common?
- In what three significant ways do the 1918 Influenza and Covid-19 Pandemics differ?
- There are no word count or formatting guidelines to follow; just do your best to answer the questions, above, in items a and b, in a logical and coherent manner.
Here is an example of what I want you to do in regard to citing the source for evidence: The 1918 influenza pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide (READ).
You can use the attached reading or do some research at both of the following websites:
Center for Disease Control Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resource Hub
World Health Organization Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Outbreak Resource Hub
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