comparative analysis 1918 influenza vs covid 19

Write and submit a Comparative Analysis that complies with ALL of the following instructions:

For each of your answers, you must indicate from which source(s) you took your information. For information taken from the reading use (READ), from the WHO website use (WHO); and from the CDC website (CDC);. Note them just as shows in the preceding sentence, inside parentheses. Put the parentheses at the end of the sentence in which you provided the information.

  1. The Comparative Analysis shall include the following two components:
    1. What are three significant things that the 1918 Influenza and Covid-19 Pandemics have in common?
    2. In what three significant ways do the 1918 Influenza and Covid-19 Pandemics differ?
  2. There are no word count or formatting guidelines to follow; just do your best to answer the questions, above, in items a and b, in a logical and coherent manner.

Here is an example of what I want you to do in regard to citing the source for evidence: The 1918 influenza pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide (READ).

You can use the attached reading or do some research at both of the following websites:

Center for Disease Control Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resource Hub

World Health Organization Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Outbreak Resource Hub

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