communicable disease 9
Your first paper will be on communicable disease. Select a disease of your choosing that is classified as a communicable disease.
Provide a complete explanation of:
- etiology and mechanism of disease
- signs and symptoms
- diagnostic methods
- pathology, systems effected
- prognosis, treatments, might we expect a chronic phase?
- public health impact; who does this effect, how, why, where?
- technological and research advancements on the horizon.
Students should rely on academic literature and reputable information sources. Papers should be a minimum of 5 pages of text, double spaced, maximum of 8. Minimum of five sources required. The paper and bibliography should be formatted in APA style. Please provide sub-headings to organize your material. If you are not familiar with APA style, I recommend reviewing directions through the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). They cover all the requirements extensively. We will also go over this briefly in class.
You may use only 1 website as a source. Rely on published literature from academic journals as much as possible. Often, when you find information on a website (like the CDC) they have gathered that from their own published literature. Look for a citation or PDF that you can use as your source, instead of citing the URL.
Grades are based on content (70%), and Mechanics (30%). See the attached rubric for more information on how grades will be assessed.
I encourage you to visit the writing center as you edit your paper. Students who visit the writing center will receive an automatic 2 point addition to their paper grade (for each paper). Just make sure to tell them which class and instructor this paper is for.
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