31 Your Insurance Agent Is Trying To Sell You An Annuity That Costs 50 000 Today By 2458992

31) Your insurance agent is trying to sell you an annuity that costs $50,000 today. By buying this annuity, your agent promises that you will receive payments of $250 a
month for the next 20 years. What is the rate of return on this investment?

A) 2.47 percent

B) 3.75 percent

C) 1.88 percent

D) 3.67 percent

E) 2.45 percent

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32 You Are Going To Loan A Friend 6 000 For One Year At An Interest Rate Of 4 5 Perc 2458994

32) You are going to loan a friend $6,000 for one year at an interest rate of 4.5 percent, compounded annually. How much additional interest could you have earned if you had compounded the rate continuously rather than annually?

A) $6.10

B) $5.84

C) $.6.17

D) $6.28

E) $5.93

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301061 Construction Work Safety Australian Construction Industry Safety Management A 2868239

301061: Construction Work Safety- Australian Construction Industry- Safety Management Assignment


1. Introduction
This unit describes the context of safety management in the Australian construction industry. The topics covered
include: the poor long-term record in the construction industry on Workplace Health and Safety (WHS); strategies
for improving the industry performance; introduction to hazard identification and risk management; accident
causation theories; and individual safety awareness and personal responsibility. There are 3 assessment items in this
unit (see the Table below).

This is an individual assignment. Students are required to conduct a case study on a significant workplace safety issue (e.g., work related injuries or fatalities; incidents or near misses; implementation of innovative approach to
improve safety; etc.). The specific tasks include:

3.1 Case selection and description
You are required to (1) identify a suitable case in the context of workplace safety for analysis.

You may consider finding a case from the following sources:
1. Your own or others life/work experience;
2. Observations;
3. Incidents records of workplace;
4. Interviews with employers or injured workers;
5. Books;
6. Newspapers;
7. Internet or other sources.

Please consult your tutor if you are not sure whether the case is suitable or not.

3.2 Describe the case in detail.
The requirements for the case description include:
1. Suggested length: 500 words
2. Do not include the particulars (e.g., name and address) of involved parties (e.g., injured worker, company and project) unless you derived the case from public sources(e.g., newspaper, Internet, books, etc).
3. Provide as much detail as possible.

3.3 Case Analysis
Once the case is confirmed, you are required to conduct research against the main issue(s) raised in the case. The
following 12 topics are suggested areas of analysis. Please consult your tutor if you wish to conduct research analysis
on topics beyond the below suggested areas.
1) Root causes of accidents
2) Costs of accidents (e.g., costs to employers, society, or injured worker)
3) Safety investments (e.g., costs of accident prevention activities)
4) Designing for safety (eliminate safety risks from designing stage)
5) Responsibilities of stakeholders
6) Barriers to effective safety systems/plans
7) Promoting safety culture/climate
8) Developing safety leadership (for supervisors, project managers, or top managers)
9) Assessing the risks (hazards identification, risk management)
10) Strategies for accident prevention
11) Safety training (competency, needs, contents, delivery, transfer, evaluation, etc)
12) Workers involvement in safety initiatives

You will need to select one or more topics from the above list (or work out your own topic(s) if approved by your tutor) and conduct a research analysis based on your case.

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4 A Competitive Market System A Discourage His Growth Unless Government Protects Dom 3367688

4. A competitive market system? A. Discourage his growth unless government protects domestic firms from foreign competition B.Encourages growth by ensuring that everyone in society will receive a decent standard of living C. Encourages growth by allowing producers to you make profitable investment decisions based on market signals D. Discourages growth because firms busy competing have no time to innovate or invest



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300736 Concrete Structures School Of Computing Engineering And Mathematics Analysis 2868236

300736: Concrete Structures- School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics-Analysis & Design Assignment


Part 1: Load Combinations:
a) Determine the load combinations for the permanent, imposed and superimposed loads using AS/NZS 1170.0 and 1170.1 (2002).
b) Determine the required design actions such as M*, V* and N* for slab, column and beam designs for both serviceability and strength limit states.
c) Provide the required bending moment, shear and axial force diagrams for the beams, slabs and columns using the software package such as Microstran or other forms of calculation.
Please take notes that wind loads will be resisted by the service and lift core of the structure which is subcontracted out. (Not required to design by your team)

Part 2: Analysis and Design:
Design all the required members such as the floor slabs, columns and beams and
provide adequate drawings or sketches showing elevations and cross-sections for the
each members.
a) Floor slabs
b) Columns
c) Primary and secondary beams
d) Detailing, report presentation and group management

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4 8 Points Consider An Exchange Economy Composed Of Two Individuals A And B And Two 3277209

4) (8 points) Consider an exchange economy composed of two individuals A and B and two goods x1 and x2. Individual A has an endowment of wA=(2,4) and individual B has an endowment of wB= (3,3). A’s utility function is given b?U=x1 X2. Individual B’s utility function is given b? UB=X1 X2^2. Eind the equilibrium price and allocation.

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300911 Contemporary Forensic Practice Interpretation Of Evidence Essay Writing Assig 2868237

300911: Contemporary Forensic Practice- Interpretation of Evidence- Essay Writing Assignment


Please write an essay on ONE of the topics below.

1. Some people argue that one of the issues in contemporary forensic practice is the lack of standards/criteria for the interpretation of evidence. They argue that this is particularly the case for comparison evidence, examples of which are the matching of a person in a photograph to a real person, the matching of two fingerprints and the matching of a shoeprint with a shoe. Critically discuss if you agree or do not agree that better standards/criteria are required for comparison evidence. Include in your discussion whether the expression of forensic findings influences the understanding of comparison evidence by a lay jury.


2. It has been stated that contextual bias can influence the interpretation of forensic evidence and the presentation of this evidence in court to a lay jury, and that contextual bias should be eliminated wherever possible. Other people argue that contextual bias is not an issue and that contextual information can, in fact, be useful and is necessary to be able to interpret forensic evidence correctly. Critically discuss and explain the concept of contextual bias in contemporary forensic science practice. Also critically discuss if, in your opinion, information that could lead to contextual bias should be completely eliminated or not.

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4 2 At A Given Instant A Spacecraft Is 500 Km Above The Earth With An Ra Of 300 0 An 1508251

4.2   At a given instant, a spacecraft is 500 km above the earth, with an RA of 3000 and Dec of 200 relative to the geocentric equatorial frame. Its velocity is 10 km/s directly north, normal to the equatorial plane. Find its RA and Dec 30 min later.









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3000 Word Report On 5 Procurement Method S With Its Defination Implementation Proces 2734943

3000 word report on 5 procurement method s with its defination. Implementation process with contractual and functional relationships, its variants, advantages and disadvantages

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4 15 Points The Following Graph Plots The Uc Budget The Component Funded By The Stat 3307255

4. (15 points) The following graph plots the UC budget, the component funded by the state, against California Personal Income, both in billions of nominal dollars. A linear trendline has been fitted to the data. A. How would you describe the goodness of fit?


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