3 Consider An Economy Where 1999 Is The Base Year Used For All Calculations Of Price 1256510

3. Consider an economy where 1999 is the base year used for all calculations of price indices and constant-price aggregates. The price of the average good counted in GDP was 5% higher in 1997 than in 1999 and real GDP in 1997 was $64,800. In 1998 the rate of inflation was -10% (10% deflation). Nominal GDP was $61,425 in 1998 and $66,000 in 1999.

a. Calculate nominal GDP for 1997. Show your work.

b. Determine whether there was a recession in 1998 (assume that when an aggregate increases/decreases from one year to the next, it also increases/decreases in each quarter within that year). Show your work and explain clearly.

c. Find the rate of inflation for 1999. Show your work.

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3 Use The Following Payoff Matrix For A Simultaneous Move One Shot Game To Answer Th 3262197

3.Use the following payoff matrix for a simultaneous-move one-shot game to answer the accompanying questions.

Player 2






Player 1


15, 7

10, 11

19, 15

18, 20


8, 12

19, 7

12, 3

15, 16

a. What is player 1’s optimal strategy?

Strategy A.

Player 1 does not have an optimal strategy.

Strategy B.

b. Determine player 1’s equilibrium payoff.

4. Use the following payoff matrix for a simultaneous-move one-shot game to answer the accompanying questions.

Player 2






Player 1


10, 23

14, 20

20, 16

22, 14


14, 26

8, 5

20, 9

19, 14

a. What is player 1’s optimal strategy?

Player 1 does not have an optimal strategy.

Strategy B.

Strategy A.

b. Determine player 1’s equilibrium payoff.


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3 Traditional Monetary And Fiscal Policy The As Ad View Consider An Economy Describe 1537431

3. Traditional monetary and fiscal policy—the AS–AD view Consider an economy described by Figure 9-10, with out-

put lower than the natural level of output and the nominal interest rate at zero.

a. Draw Figure 9-10 and explain why the ADcurve has a ver- tical portion.

b. If the Federal Reserve increases the money supply, what will happen to the ASADdiagram you drew in part (a)? Will equilibrium output move closer to the natural level?

c. Given your answers to part (b), what policy options are available to the government to try to increase output? Consider traditional policy options only, and not financial policies. How does your answer relate to the policy deci- sions of the Obama administration and the U.S. Congress in February 2009?

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3 There Are Two Types Of Firms In An Industry Type 1 Firms Have The Costs Tc N 625 0 3446051

3. There are two types of firms in an industry. Type 1 firms have the costs TC(n) = 625+ 0.25qi and type 2 firms have costs TC(2) 50000.52 The fixed costs for both types of firms are NOT sunk. (a) Derive each firm’s ATC(g), AVC() and MC() functions and plot the curves on separate diagrams (b) Derive each firm’s supply function q(p) and show the corresponding curves in the diagrams (c Suppose that there are 10 firms of each type. What is the industry’s supply curve? Plot the industry’s supply curve and indicate price ranges at which no firms operates, only 10 firms operate, all firms operate (d) If consumers demand is Q (p4800 10p what is the short-reiibrium price and quantity? Is each firm making positive profits? Calculate the producer surplus the consumer surplus, and the total surplus in the market. What are the long-run equilibrium price, quantity, and number of firms? (e) If consurners demand is QD(p) 2400-10p what is the short-run equilibrium price and quantity? What are the long-run equilibrium price, quantity, and number of firms?



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3 There Are Two Types Of Firms In An Industry Type 1 Firms Have The Costs Tc 91 6250 3653511

3. There are two types of firms in an industry. Type 1 firms have the costs TC() 91) 6250.25i and type 2 firms have costs TC(92) 500052. The fixed costs for both types of firms are NOT sunk (e) If consumers demand is Q”(p) 2400 10p what is the short-run equilibrium price and quantity? What are the long-run equilibrium price, quantity, and number of firms?



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3 The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority Tra Is The Uae S Independent Industry 2530696

3) The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) is the UAE’s independent industry regulator. Since its launch in 1976, Etisalat has held a monopoly in the market. That changed in 2006 with the emergence of du, which was awarded a 20-year concession to operate fixed-line, wireless, internet and international telecoms services. Assume after the 20 years period, du license was terminated. You are required to –

a.Apply your understanding and concepts from microeconomics, to investigate and summarize the major characteristics of the above market form in the telecom industry.?

b. Describe and analyze the economic and pricing policies that you would expect to find in this industry.?

c.Explain the profit maximization strategy of this market form with the help of a suitable graph.?

d. Also, write your policy recommendations for the healthy growth of the industry keeping customer interests and innovation in mind.?

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3 The Reinforced Concrete Shown Uses Normal Weight Concrete With 28 Clay Compressive 3672635

3. The reinforced concrete.= shown uses normal weight concrete with 28-clay compressive strength of g 6,000 psi zmci Gr. 100 steel reinforcement The beam is subjected to positive momem. n. Determine the cracking moment of the hewn. Determine the maximum stress in Me concrete and the stress “n the minforcoment at service moment of 160 ft • kip.



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3 The Following Questions Are About A 40hp 3ph Motor A Maybe A Trick Question If Our 3297902

3. The following questions are about a 40Hp 3ph motor: a) (maybe a trick question) If our motor is rated at 208v 3ph, what is the full load amperage of this motor?

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3 Tax Problem Simpson Is A Single Individual Who Is Employed Full Time By Duff Corpo 2847428

3. Tax Problem:

Simpson is a single individual who is employed full-time by Duff Corporation. The year Simpson reports AGI of $50,000 and has incurred the following medical expenses:

Dentist charges

$ 900

Physician’s charges


Optical charges


Cost of eyeglasses


Hospital charges


Prescription drugs


Over-the-counter drugs


Medical insurance premiums


Calculate the amount of medical expenses that will be included with Simpson’s itemized deductions after any applicable limitations. Use the 2013 tax year information for reference.

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3 The Chung Chemical Corporation Is Considering The Purchase Of A Chemical Analysis 2846217

3.The Chung Chemical Corporation is considering the purchase of a chemical analysis machine. Although the machine being considered will result in an increase in earnings before interest and taxes of

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