2 Put The Following Disk Scheduling Policies In The Order That Will Result In Minimu 856060

2 Put the following disk scheduling policies in the order that will result in minimum amount of head movement. a. FCFS b. Circular scan c. Elevator algorithm

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21 Demand Which Is Not Affected By Price Ranges Is Classified As A Inelastic Demand 2846919

21. Demand which is not affected by price ranges is classified as A.inelastic demand B.elastic demand C.inelastic price D.elastic price 22. New task buying process passes through stages such as A.awareness B.evaluation C.trial and adoption D.all of the above 23. Technical personnel of Company is classified as A.initiators B.users C.influencers D.providers 24. Group or individuals who decide supplier?s and product requirements are classified as A.deciders B.selectors C.evaluators D.providers 25. Markets in which participants directly exchange goods or services are classified as A.public markets B.barter markets C.buying markets D.private alliances

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2 When The Time To Establish Link Is Large And The Size Of Data Is Small The Preferr 805347


When the time to establish link is large and the size of data is small, the preferred mode of data transfer is

A.Circuit switchingB.Packet switchingC.Time division multiplexingD.All of the aboveE.None of the aboveView Answer Workspace Report Discuss in Forum

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21 Recognition Of Profit Percentage Of Completion In 2014 Gurney Construction Compan 2276840

21) (Recognition of Profit, Percentage-of-Completion)In 2014, Gurney Construction Company agreed to construct an apartment building at a price of $1,200,000. The information relating to the costs and billings for this contract is shown below.


(a) Assuming that the percentage-of-completion method is used, (1) compute the amount of gross profit to be recognized in 2014 and 2015, and (2) prepare journal entries for 2015.?

(b) For 2015, show how the details related to this construction contract would be disclosed on the balance sheet and on the income statement.?

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2 This Guestion Is From Final 2016 Consider An Exchange Economx Composed Of Two Indi 3277074

2) This guestion is from Final 2016. Consider an Exchange economx composed of twO individuals A and B and two goods x1 and x2. Individual A has an endowment of WA-(3,5) and individual B has an endowment of Ws- (3,3). A’s utility function is given by UA- Xx2 a. (3 points) Show that no matter what utility function B has, there exists a Pareto Efficient (PE) allocation. (i.e. Speci?a Pareto efficient allocation and explain why it is efficient nomatter what utility function B has) b. (14 points) Suppose that B is neutral about x1 (neither increasing nor decreasing the amount of x1 affects her utility) and she prefers more of x2 to less. Do the Specify a utility function for B 2 )Draw the Edgeworth box and sketch the indifference curves passing through the endowment 3) Is the endowment Pareto efficient? 4) Find the set of all Pareta efficient allocations 3) (8 points) This guestion is from Final 2017. Consider an exchange economy composed of two individuals A and B and two goods xi and x2. Individual A has an endowment of W,(2,2) and individualB has an endowment of We_ (2,2). Sutlit?functionis givenby UA- 2X1 + 3 x2. Individual B’s utility function is given by Ug- 3X1 +2×2. Draw the set of all Pareto efficient allocations,

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21 1 Section 21 3 1 Describes The Following Three Code Error Density Metrics Ced Wce 2848605

21.1 Section 21.3.1 describes the following three code-error density metrics: CED, WCED, and WCEF. (1) Compare CED and WCED including references to their managerial application characteristics as well as to their validity. (2) Compare WCED and WCEF including references to their managerial implementation characteristics as well as to their validity. (3) Which of the above metrics would you prefer? List your arguments.43821 Software

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200912 Enterprise Leadership Challenges Opportunities Reflective Writing Assignment 2868235

200912: Enterprise Leadership: Challenges & Opportunities- Reflective Writing Assignment Help


Part A: Video presentation and written document (20%) – 700 words

a. Background to the company (including ASX listing, financial position in the last 3 years and their major business).
b. 3 key issues related to the key themes raised in the chapter for that week and how your company addresses those issues of business practice in their enterprise. These key issues must show evidence of analysis and synthesis and not be a regurgitation of the textbook or cut and paste quotes from a single source.
c. Current challenges and opportunities for your company for 2017-2020. (This means you will need to read and investigate current business news).
d. A list of references from where your information was derived (not included in the word count).

Part B: Reflection (10%) – 300 words
Your reflection will consist of a 300 word response to the following questions:
1. Describe your experiences of delivering the presentation. What were you thinking and feeling at the time?

2. When you look back identify two positive aspects of your presentation skills and two aspects that you want to strengthen. For both, detail why you think those aspects were positive and could be strengthened.

3. List two ideas for improving your presentation skills. What will you do?

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200909 Enterprise Law Western Sydney University Kimberley Charles Sport N Surf Law A 2868234

200909: Enterprise Law- Western Sydney University- Kimberley & Charles- Sport n Surf- Law Assignment Help


There are two parts to this exam and students must answer both parts.

Part A:

Elle runs a Bed & Breakfast house in the Southern Highlands in NSW. To give it acertain quaintness, Elle decides to install outside shutters to frame her windows. Elleorders the pine shutters, which are on sale in the local hardware store. Elle hires ahandyman to install the shutters. The instructions are contained in a bookletsupplied with the shutters. In very small writing appears the following statement:

These shutters are for decoration only and should not be installed where exposed to harsh weather conditions.

The handyman read this clause but did not say anything to Elle. After the shutters had been in place for several months, the wood appeared to be
splitting. Elle notices that some of the shutters are damaged but does nothing about them.

On a windy evening, one of the damaged shutters is blown from the window surrounds and hits Kimberley, a guest who was in the garden enjoying her onecigarette per day. Another shutter flies off and hits Charles, a member of the public, who is taking a short cut across Elle’s property having been caught out too long on abush walk.

Kimberley suffers bruising and cuts across her arm and shoulder and develops a phobia about wind, claiming she can no longer leave the security of her own home,and cannot work. Charles suffers a head injury and is off work for six months recovering.

Elle immediately removes all the shutters.Kimberley and Charles have advised that they intend to sue Elle in negligence.Advise Elle on the likelihood of those claims being successful, giving full legalreasons for your response.

Part B:

Jacob is interested in buying a small retail clothing business called ‘Sport ‘n Surf’ inCronulla. One Saturday, Jacob runs into two former school friends, Rose, who ownsa hairdressing salon in Cronulla and Geoff, who is a business broker specialising inmatching prospective business buyers with sellers in the hotel sector. Jacob tellsRose and Geoff that he is considering buying the business. Rose tells Jacob thatCronulla is booming and that the business is sure to do well, as everyone in Cronullasurfs and plays a sport of some description. Geoff, who is not an accountant, offers
to have a look at the books of the business and give Jacob his view. The books ofthe business have been prepared by Water Accounting Services, the business’ usualaccountants. Geoff inspects the books and tells Jacob that the business is doing welland that it made a profit of $120,000 last year. In fact, due to an error by WaterAccounting Services, the profit was reported as $120,000 when in fact it was$12,000. Geoff advises Jacob that based on the past profit disclosed in theaccounts and his own observations of the business, the purchase price sought by the sellers at $250,000 extremely reasonable.

Jacob bought the business for $250,000 and at the end of twelve months is verydisappointed to find that his profit was only $12,000. He learns from other businessbrokers that a reasonable purchase price for the business, even based on a profit of$120,000 would have been $200,000, but clearly less if based on a profit of $12,000.

Discuss whether Jacob may have been owed a duty of care on the above facts, and if so, by whom. Fully explain your answer.

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20 V 8 A 60v 12 A P2 03 6ed Is The Circuit S Interconnection Valid Valid No What Is 3297296

20 V 8 A 60V 12 A P2.03 6ed Is the circuit’s interconnection valid? Valid: | No What is the total power developed by this circuit? 8 “+”absorbed “” delivered delivered Check



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200019 Australian Resident Lindfield Sydney Get Revenue Law Assignment Help At 2868233

200019: Australian Resident- Lindfield Sydney- Get Revenue Law Assignment Help at [email protected]


Peter, an Australian resident, has lived in his house in Lindfield, Sydney since 1990 and purchased for $450,000. The four bedroom house was located on a large 900 m block, with the property located in the front part of the block. From January 2016 to January 2017 he has been involved with online accommodation hosting site Air B and B and has had numerous people stay overnight, utilising two of the four bedrooms. The normal way the arrangement is organised is through “word of mouth”, and the listing on the online hosting site. In the year ended 30 June 2016, he received $25,000 for such Air B and B accommodation bookings. The money was never received by Peter, but transferred directly to the school account for his 15 year old daughter for her school fees. At that time the school fees were $30,000. The outstanding $5,000 has been forgiven by the school.

In January 2017, he decided to subdivide his land into two 450 m blocks, with the intention of building a townhouse. The subdivision is approved and, while he is building the two bedroom townhouse, he continues to live in his existing house. When the two bedroom townhouse is completed he moves into that townhouse, lives in it for six months, receiving all of his bills, car renewal reminders etc at that new address, and then sells it. During that six month period, he rents out his four bedroom house for six months. After the six month period, he then moves back into his four bedroom house for the next six months, receiving all of his bills, car renewal reminders etc at that new address. In March 2018 he decides to sell the four bedroom house, move to Hobart and live with his brother.

His overall development costs to subdivide and build the townhouse total $500,000 and he sold the two bedroom townhouse for $800,000 and the four bedroom house for $1.5 million.


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