1 Using The Code Presented In Section 8 6 A Generate A Dataset X Y B Apply A Pca 2664393

1. Using the code presented in Section 8.6:

(a) Generate a dataset (X, y).

(b) Apply a PCA transformation on X, which we denote Ẋ.

(c) Compute MDI, MDA, and SFI feature importance on (Ẋ,y), where the base estimator is RF.

(d) Do the three methods agree on what features are important? Why?

2. From exercise, generate a new dataset (Ẍ,y), where Ẍ is a feature union of X and Ẋ .

(a) Compute MDI, MDA, and SFI feature importance on (Ẍ,y), where the base estimator is RF.

(b) Do the three methods agree on the important features? Why?


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1 What Do A Price Ceiling And A Price Floor Have In Common A They Increase The Price 3291616

1. What do a price ceiling and a price floor have in common? A. They increase the price of a good or service B. They decrease the price of a good or service C. If they are effective, they both decrease the quantity bought and sold of a good or service D. If they are effective, they both are considered by everyone to be better than the equilibrium E. They have nothing to do with the government

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1 What Could Be The Underlying Causes Of Demand Pull Inflation 2 In Cost Push Inflat 2625401

1. What could be the underlying causes of demand-pull inflation?

2. In cost-push inflation, cost rises are ‘exogenous’. What does that mean?

3. What is the quantity theory of money?


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1 What Criticisms Do Monetarists Make About A Large Psncr 2 What Are Open Market Ope 2625410

1. What criticisms do monetarists make about a large PSNCR?

2. What are open market operations?

3. When did special deposits cease to be used?


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1 What Caused The Shrinkage Of The Public Sector In The 1980s 2 Give Three Arguments 2625123

1. What caused the shrinkage of the public sector in the 1980s?

2. Give three arguments for nationalization.

3. What is marginal cost pricing?

4. What were three reasons for privatization?

5. How do merit goods differ from public goods?


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1 What Asset And Liability Accounts Might The Aaa Use To Record Its Transactions 2 L 3951614

1. What asset and liability accounts might the AAA use to record its transactions?2. List at least two transactions that the AAA might record.

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1 What Are This Dealer S Implied Cross Bid And Ask Prices For Exchanging Australian 2519546

1. What are this dealer’s implied cross bid and ask prices for exchanging Australian dollars and New Zealand dollars? Specify which currency should be the base currency in these quotes?

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1 What Are The Terms Of Trade 2 What Factors Inhibit International Trade 3 Give Thre 2624926

1. What are the terms of trade?

2. What factors inhibit international trade?

3. Give three arguments for trade protection policies.


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1 What Are The Underlying Reasons For Changes In Exchange Rates In The Long Run 2 Wh 2624930

1. What are the underlying reasons for changes in exchange rates in the long run?

2. What criteria were needed for EMU to proceed?

3. What are the advantages of the euro?

4. Name one invisible earning.


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1 What Happens If A Munin Process Modifies A Shared Variable Outside A Critical Regi 2620545

1. What happens if a Munin process modifies a shared variable outside a critical region?

2. Give an example of an in operation in Linda that does not require any searching or hashing to find a match.

3. When Linda is implemented by replicating tuples on multiple machines, a protocol is needed for deleting tuples. Give an example of a protocol that does not yield races when two processes try to delete the same tuple at the same time.

4. Consider an Orca system running on a network with hardware broadcasting. Why does the ratio of read operations to write operations affect the performance?



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