1 What Are Teams And How Are They Formed Consider This Question In The Context Of Yo 2765501

1. What are teams and how are they formed? Consider this question in the context of your
group and the board of your Central Bank.
2. How successful is your team in deriving their recommendation? Is your team able to agree
on and manage their schedule? Are their different opinions and how are they resolved?
3. Assume that you are the chairman of the central bank board and your team mates are board
members. How would you handle different opinions and would you do things differently
compared to what your team did?
4. Now assume that you are board member and have a different recommendation to other
board members. Having gone through this process, how might you contribute to the
discussion differently in the future?



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1 What Are Diva S Projected Profits For The Fiscal Year Ending September 1995 2 What 2712964

1. What are Diva’s projected profits for the fiscal year ending September 1995?

2. What factors affect a firm’s exposure to exchange rate risk? How much exposure to exchange rate risk does Diva Shoes have in April 1995?

3. Suppose that Diva chooses to hedge its exposure in yen using the forward contract described in case Appendix A or the currency option described in case Appendix B. Assume that you lock in these contracts at the forward price implied by interest-rate parity for September 1995. Draw the payoffs to the position at maturity for each alternative with the exchange rate defined in USD/JPY × 10,000 units (i.e., the same units as the currency option is quoted). What do you see as the tradeoffs between the alternatives?

4. Do you think Bisno should remain strictly a shoe salesman or do you favor hedging his exposure? If you favor hedging, which alternative would you recommend to him?

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1 We Revisit Here The Vibration Absorber Introduced In Show That The Solution X T De 2647671

1. We revisit here the vibration absorber introduced in Show that the solution x(t) derived from indeed verifies the mathematical model of the two-dof system at hand. Furthermore, find the natural frequencies and the modal vectors of the same two-dof system.

2. We refer here to the rotor-shaft system of Fig. 4.6a, as introduced in Investigate under which conditions θ˙ vanishes and give a physical interpretation of this case.













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1 We Wish To Extract Tones At 150 And 250 Hz From Tones At 1050 And 1150 Hz And Then 3798800

1. We wish to extract tones at 150 and 250 Hz from tones at 1050 and 1150 Hz and then downsample the output by the largest possible factor. Assume the signal containing the four tones is sampled at 40 kHz. Use a Kaiser window FIR filter with a passband from 0 to 300Hz (3 dB down at band edge) and attenuation > 80 dB at 500 Hz. Implement the filter, maximally downsample the output, and examine the output spectrum to ensure that it meets specifications. Now reimplement the filtering and downsampling with a single polyphase downsampling filter. Compare the number of operations required for the original FIR implementation and the polyphase implementation. (4 marks) 2. Upsample the output of the downsampling filter of Question 1 back to the original 40 kHz sampling rate by designing an appropriate upsampling filter using zero packing and low-pass filtering. Then reimplement as a polyphase upsampling filter. Check the output of the polyphase upsampler against the filtered zero-packed output to show they are the same. Compare the number of operations required for the original single-rate FIR implementation from Q1 and the polyphase downsampling/upsampling implementation in this question. (6 marks) 3. Without incurring additional computation, modify the polyphase upsampling filter to frequency shift the data by heterodyning with a 2.4 kHz carrier. That is the tones at 150, and 250 Hz will now be placed at 2150, 2250, 2550, and 2650 Hz. Document Preview:

ELEC4620/7462 Digital Signal Processing Assignment 3 (revised 10/09/19) (Due Date: Monday 16/09/2019 at 5pm) 1. We wish to extract tones at 150 and 250 Hz from tones at 1050 and 1150 Hz and then downsample the output by the largest possible factor. Assume the signal containing the four tones is sampled at 40 kHz. Use a Kaiser window FIR filter with a passband from 0 to 300Hz (3 dB down at band edge) and attenuation > 80 dB at 500 Hz. Implement the filter, maximally downsample the output, and examine the output spectrum to ensure that it meets specifications. Now reimplement the filtering and downsampling with a single polyphase downsampling filter. Compare the number of operations required for the original FIR implementation and the polyphase implementation. (4 marks) 2. Upsample the output of the downsampling filter of Question 1 back to the original 40 kHz sampling rate by designing an appropriate upsampling filter using zero packing and low-pass filtering. Then reimplement as a polyphase upsampling filter. Check the output of the polyphase upsampler against the filtered zero-packed output to show they are the same. Compare the number of operations required for the original single-rate FIR implementation from Q1 and the polyphase downsampling/upsampling implementation in this question. (6 marks) 3. Without incurring additional computation, modify the polyphase upsampling filter to frequency shift the data by heterodyning with a 2.4 kHz carrier. That is the tones at 150, and 250 Hz will now be placed at 2150, 2250, 2550, and 2650 Hz. (4 marks) Simulation Exercise Simulate the single rate system of Q1 in Simulink. Listen to the output on the loudspeaker/headphones. Shows graphs and images in your report. Method 1. Create new Simulink Model 2. Open Simulink Library Browser 3. Select Sine Wave Source 4. Set parameters as per Q1 5. Build model with Spectrum Analyser, Filter, and Scope 6. Ask Tutors for help?…



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1 We Are In Two Good Two Country Where All Of The Assumptions Of The Heckscher Ohlin 3298412

1) We are in two good, two country, where all of the assumptions of the Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade are satisfied. Suppose that in Japan there are 50 workers and 50 acres of land, while in the US there are 100 workers and 200 acres of land. Suppose furthermore that the two goods, rice, and cloth, are produced using land and labor. Rice is land intensive. Suppose the two countries open up to trade. What will be the pattern of trade? why?

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1 We Are Given An Array A Containing N Numbers And An Integer K That Divides N We Wa 3653711

1.We are given an array A containing n numbers, and an integer k that divides n. We want to find k numbers x1,x2, …,xk of A such that xi is the ( n /k i)-th smallest element of A. Develop a divide and conquer algorithm that finds the xi ’s that runs in time O(n lg k). Prove its correctness and running time.

2.Recall that the Fibonacci numbers are defined by the following recurrence: F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 for n > 2. 1. Using the above recurrence, give a simple algorithm to compute Fn, given n. The complexity of the algorithm in terms of the number of arithmetic operations should be O(n 2 ). Show that the algorithm indeed has this complexity. Recall that an arithmetic operation is the cost of adding or multiplying two single digit numbers. (Hint: How many digits are there in Fn? Use the fact that Fn is T(( 1+v 5 2 ) n ). 2. Our goal is to use the following matrix identity to compute the nth Fibonacci number more efficiently. F1 F2 ! = 0 1 1 1! · F0 F1 ! (5.1) (a) Show that Fn Fn+1! = 0 1 1 1!n · F0 F1 ! (5.2) (b) Show that O(log n) matrix multiplications are enough to compute Fn. (c) Using the fast algorithm for multiplying two integers (Karatsuba’s algorithm) show that Fn can be computing in O(n log2 3 log n) arithmetic operations. (d) Can you improve your analysis of

(c) and show a cost of O(n log2 3 ) arithmetic operations ?

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1 Wall Street Journal Said That Ideas And Technological Discoveries Are Driving Engi 2847183

1.Wall Street journal said that ideas and technological discoveries are driving engine of A.dynamic growth B.audit growth C.technology growth D.economic growth 2.A client server computer program in which client runs in a web browser is termed as A.web application B.application software C.product line software D.embedded software 3.Objexis team portal is developed by A.Team Corporation B.Objexis Corporation C.Corel Corporation D.IEEE Corporation 4.A relatively new software engineering paradigm that provides a process and methodological approach for defining, specifying, designing and constructing aspects is referred to as A.AOP B.DOP C.SOC D.SPICE 5.Framework activity which involves heavy communication and collaboration with customer and encompasses requirements gathering and other related activities is A.communication framework B.planning framework C.modeling framework D.construction framework

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1 Victoria Ephanor Manages A Small Product Distribution Company Because The Business 3309527

1. Victoria Ephanor manages a small product distribution company. Because the business is growing fast, Ephanor recognizes that it is time to manage the vast information pool to help guide the accelerating growth. Ephanor, who is familiar with spreadsheet software, currently employs a sales force of four people. She asks you to develop a data warehouse application prototype that will enable her to study sales figures by year, region, salesperson, and product. (This prototype is to be used as the basis for a future data warehouse database.) Using the data supplied in the Ch13_P2.xls file, complete the following seven problems: a. Identify the appropriate fact table components. (5) b. Identify the appropriate dimension tables. (5) c. Draw a star schema diagram for this data warehouse. (5) d. Identify the attributes for the dimension tables that will be required to solve this problem. (5) e. Using the spreadsheet generate a pivot table to show Sales by Product and by Region. The end user must be able to specify the display of Sales for any given Year. The sample oputput is shown below in Figure 1. f. Use problem (e) as your point of departure and add a second pivot table as in Figure 1 (on same spreadsheet) to show Sales by SalesPerson and by Region as in Figure 1 but the lower part. The end user must be able to specify Sales for a given Year or for ALL Years, and for a given Product or for ALL Products. (5) g. Create a 3D Bar Graph as part of your spreadsheet but give it a name CHART as in Figure 2 below. Your spreadsheet must therefore have at least three tabs. One for the raw data as given, one for the pivot tables and one for the CHART. The CHART must display as in Figure 2, the Sales for Salespeople within different Regions for each Product. (5) Figure 1: Pivot Tables showing Sales by Year AND Sales for Year and Product Figure 2: 3D- Bar Graph that shows Sales per Region for SalesPeople and Products

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1 Various Forms Of Inequality Are Experienced In Australia Today E G Gender Class Et 2535276

1. Various forms of inequality are experienced in Australia today (e.g. gender, class, ethnicity, age, ability, etc.). Using a sociological perspective and concepts, select and discuss a current example of inequality in Australia, and provide sociological explanations for these patterns. In what ways does that type of inequality also intersect with other forms of inequality? Document Preview:




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1 Valarmorghulis Company Was Organized Just A Year Ago The Normal Capacity And Actua 2830173

1. ValarMorghulis Company was organized just a year ago. The normal capacity and actual production of the company is 2,500 units. The results of the company’s first year of operations are shown below.

ValarMorghulis Company

Income Statement

Sales (2,000 units sold)

P 135,000

Less: Cost of goods sold:

Beginning Inventory

P 0

Cost of Goods Manufactured


Goods Available for Sale

P 105,000

Ending Inventory



Gross Margin


Less: Selling and Administrative expenses


Net Income

P 9,000

The company’s unit variable cost is computed as follows:

Variable manufacturing cost

P 32

Variable Selling and Administrative expenses


Total Variable cost per unit

P 37


1. What is the Selling price per unit? Fixed MOH per unit application?

2. What is the total fixed manufacturing cost? Total fixed selling and administrative expense?

3. What the net income under full costing? Under direct costing?

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