1 Under Current Law Most Social Security Recipients Do Not Have To Pay Federal Or St 2652808

1. Under current law, most Social Security recipients do not have to pay federal or state income taxes on their Social Security benefits. Suppose the government proposes to tax these benefits at the same rate as other types of income. What would be the impact of the proposed tax on the optimal retirement age?

2. Consider the following proposed changes to the current Social Security earnings test and determine if the changes lead to higher hours of work among retirees.

a. A change in the amount of exempt labor earnings, from $17,000 to $25,000.

b. An increase in the implicit tax rate from 33 to 50 percent.


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1 What Are The Main Production Decisions Which Have To Be Made 2 What Does A Product 2625058

1. What are the main production decisions which have to be made?

2. What does a production possibility curve show?

3. What are the main justifications for the entrepreneur’s profit?


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1 Using The Formulation In Section 10 3 Plot The Bet Size M As A Function Of The Max 2664277

1. Using the formulation in Section 10.3, plot the bet size (m) as a function of the maximum predicted probability

2. Draw 10,000 random numbers from a uniform distribution with bounds

(a) Compute the bet sizes m for

(b) Assign 10,000 consecutive calendar days to the bet sizes.

(c) Draw 10,000 random numbers from a uniform distribution with bounds

(d) Form a pandas series indexed by the dates in 2.b, and with values equal to the index shifted forward the number of days in 2.c. This is a t1 object similar to the ones we used in Chapter 3.

(e) Compute the resulting average active bets, following Section 10.4.


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1 What Are The Main Factors Causing Economic Growth 2 What Types Of Policy Can Be Us 2625060

1. What are the main factors causing economic growth?

2. What types of policy can be used to promote economic growth?

3. Why does the index of sustainable economic welfare (ISEW) differ from gross national product (GNP)?

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1 Using The Function Mp Sample Tw Compute The Average Uniqueness Of Each Label What 2664290

1. Using the function mp Sample TW, compute the average uniqueness of each label. What is the first-order serial correlation, AR(1), of this time series? Is it statistically significant? Why?

2. Fit a random forest to a financial dataset where

(a) What is the mean out-of-bag accuracy?

(b) What is the mean accuracy of k-fold cross-validation (without shuffling) on the same dataset?

(c) Why is out-of-bag accuracy so much higher than cross-validation accuracy? Which one is more correct / less biased? What is the source of this bias?


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1 What Are The Main Assumptions Of Perfect Competition 2 In A Monopoly If A Firm Fix 2625118

1. What are the main assumptions of perfect competition?

2. In a monopoly, if a firm fixes the price, what determines the amount supplied?

3. Imperfect competition can be divided into three submarkets. What are they?


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1 Using The Code Presented In Section 8 6 A Generate A Dataset X Y B Apply A Pca 2664393

1. Using the code presented in Section 8.6:

(a) Generate a dataset (X, y).

(b) Apply a PCA transformation on X, which we denote Ẋ.

(c) Compute MDI, MDA, and SFI feature importance on (Ẋ,y), where the base estimator is RF.

(d) Do the three methods agree on what features are important? Why?

2. From exercise, generate a new dataset (Ẍ,y), where Ẍ is a feature union of X and Ẋ .

(a) Compute MDI, MDA, and SFI feature importance on (Ẍ,y), where the base estimator is RF.

(b) Do the three methods agree on the important features? Why?


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1 What Are Some Typical Inputs And Outputs Of The Accounting Cycles 2 Why Is It Impo 2756892

1. What are some typical inputs and outputs of the accounting cycles?
2. Why is it important for a company to have an internal control system?
What is the difference between a general control and an application control?

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1 What Are Teams And How Are They Formed Consider This Question In The Context Of Yo 2765501

1. What are teams and how are they formed? Consider this question in the context of your
group and the board of your Central Bank.
2. How successful is your team in deriving their recommendation? Is your team able to agree
on and manage their schedule? Are their different opinions and how are they resolved?
3. Assume that you are the chairman of the central bank board and your team mates are board
members. How would you handle different opinions and would you do things differently
compared to what your team did?
4. Now assume that you are board member and have a different recommendation to other
board members. Having gone through this process, how might you contribute to the
discussion differently in the future?



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1 What Are Diva S Projected Profits For The Fiscal Year Ending September 1995 2 What 2712964

1. What are Diva’s projected profits for the fiscal year ending September 1995?

2. What factors affect a firm’s exposure to exchange rate risk? How much exposure to exchange rate risk does Diva Shoes have in April 1995?

3. Suppose that Diva chooses to hedge its exposure in yen using the forward contract described in case Appendix A or the currency option described in case Appendix B. Assume that you lock in these contracts at the forward price implied by interest-rate parity for September 1995. Draw the payoffs to the position at maturity for each alternative with the exchange rate defined in USD/JPY × 10,000 units (i.e., the same units as the currency option is quoted). What do you see as the tradeoffs between the alternatives?

4. Do you think Bisno should remain strictly a shoe salesman or do you favor hedging his exposure? If you favor hedging, which alternative would you recommend to him?

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