1 Show Directly From Equation 12 21 Without Using The Detailed Balance Equation That 2528156

1. Show directly from equation (12.21) (without using the detailed balance equation) that the posterior distribution P(X | e) is a stationary distribution of the Gibbs chain (equation (12.22)).

2. Show that any distribution π that satisfies the detailed balance equation, equation (12.24), must be a stationary distribution of T.


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1 Rewrite Exercise 1 Using An Arraylist Write A Program To Test Your Implementation 2041548

1. Rewrite Exercise 1 using an ArrayList. Write a program to test your implementation and compare its performance to that of the array implementation in Exercise 1 using the Timing class.

2. Design and implement a class that uses an array to mimic the behavior of the ArrayList class. Include as many methods from the ArrayList class as possible. Write a program to test your implementation.


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1 Show How Education Can Signal The Worker S Innate Ability In The Labor Market What 2652644

1. Show how education can signal the worker's innate ability in the labor market. What is a pooled equilibrium? What is a perfectly separating signaling equilibrium?

2. How can we differentiate between the hypothesis that education increases productivity and the hypothesis that education is a signal for the worker's innate ability?

3. Discuss the difference between general training and specific training. Who pays for and collects the returns from each type of training?


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1 Rewrite The Following Infix Expression In Prefix And Postfix Form And Draw The Syn 2110497

1. Rewrite the following infix expression in prefix and postfix form and draw the syntax tree

2. Write a BNF description of (a) postfix arithmetic expressions and (b) prefix arithmetic expressions.



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1 Show 8052 Code Which Sets Timer 1 To 16bit Mode Turns It On And Sets It Starting V 2847352

1. Show 8052 code which sets timer 1 to 16bit mode, turns it on and sets it starting value such that it overflows every 100th.

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1 Show An Example Of A Markov Chain Where The Limiting Distribution Reached Via Repe 2528155

1. Show an example of a Markov chain where the limiting distribution reached via repeated applications of equation (12.20) depends on the initial distribution P(0).

2. Consider the following two conditions on a Markov chain T:

a. It is possible to get from any state to any state using a positive probability path in the state graph.

b. For each state x, there is a positive probability of transitioning directly from x to x (a self-loop).

a. Show that, for a finite-state Markov chain, these two conditions together imply that T is regular.

b. Show that regularity of the Markov chain implies condition 1.

c. Show an example of a regular Markov chain that does not satisfy the condition 2.

d. Now let us weaken condition 2, requiring only that there exists a state x with a positive probability of transitioning directly from x to x. Show that this weaker condition and condition 1 together still su‑ce to ensure regularity.


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1 Shady Rest Nursing Home Has 100 Private Pay Residents The Administrator Is Concern 3832174

1. Shady Rest Nursing Home has 100 private pay residents. The administrator is concerned about balancing the ratio its private pay to non-private pay patients. Non-private pay sources reimburse an average of $100 per day whereas private pay residents pay average 100 percent of full daily charges. The administrator estimates that variable cost per resident per day is $25 for supplies, food, and contracted services and annual fixed costs are $4,562,500.a) If 25 percent of the residents are non-private pay, what will Shady Rest charge the private pay patients in order to break even?

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1 Show 8052 Code Which Sets Timer 1 To 16bit Mode Turns It On And Sets It Starting V 2847350

1. Show 8052 code which sets timer 1 to 16bit mode, turns it on and sets it starting value such that it overflows every 100th.

2. You are building an 8052-based device which will use both a 3-axis accelerometer and a temperature sensor. A variety of these are available, would you choose UART or 12C based communications? Why?

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1 Sesuai Dengan Ketentuan Per Dirjen Pajak Nomor 16 Pj 2016 Maka Jelaskan Apa Yang D 2964340

1. Sesuai dengan ketentuan PER Dirjen Pajak Nomor 16/PJ./2016, maka jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan PPh Pasal 21/26 ; Pemotong PPh Pasal 21 dan/atau PPh Pasal 26 ; Penyelenggara kegiatan; Penerima penghasilan yang dipotong PPh Pasal 21 dan atau Pasal 26; Pegawai; Pegawai Tetap; Pegawai Tidak Tetap/Tenaga Kerja Lepas; Penerima penghasilan Bukan Pegawai; Peserta kegiatan; Penerima pensiun; Penghasilan Pegawai Tetap yang Bersifat Teratur dan tidak terartur; Upah harian; Upah mingguan; Upah satuan; Upah borongan; Imbalan kepada Bukan Pegawai; Imbalan kepada Bukan Pegawai yang Bersifat Berkesinambungan; Imbalan kepada peserta kegiatan

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1 See The Examples That Follow For An Idea Of How Formatting Should Look When Comple 2830011

1. See the Examples that follow for an idea of how formatting should look when completed, and name each worksheet accordingly. 2. Prepare the following using the straight-line and double-declining balance depreciation methods: • Depreciation schedules showing the depreciation for each year; use the Paste function. • An accumulated depreciation schedule for each method. • A book value schedule for each method. • An embedded line chart, properly formatted, showing annual depreciation for each method. • Use absolute references where appropriate. 3. Assume that sales for each of the six years are $500,000 and operating expenses, excluding depreciation, is $350,000. On a separate worksheet prepare the following schedules under each depreciation method: • A schedule showing net income each year. • A schedule showing the rate of return on book value for each year (net income divided by book value). • An embedded line chart showing the annual rate of return under each depreciation method. • Remember to add depreciation to the operating expenses when computing net income. • Use Paste Link to link related data between the two worksheets. 4. Give each worksheet an appropriate label. 5. Save as: 09 Depreciation Analysis Iron Casting, Inc-“your last name”Iron Casting, Inc. bought a power press for $360,500. The power press has an estimated residual value of

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