1 Read The Definition Of Log Loss L Y P A Why Is The Scoring Function Defined As The 2664128

1. Read the definition of log loss, L [Y, P].

(a) Why is the scoring function  defined as the negative log loss, −L [Y, P]?

(b) What would be the outcome of maximizing the log loss, rather than the negative log loss?

2. Consider an investment strategy that sizes its bets equally, regardless of the forecast’s confidence. In this case, what is a more appropriate scoring function for hyper-parameter tuning, accuracy or cross-entropy loss?

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1 Ryan Expects To Deposit 1 000 Now 3 000 Four Years From Now And 1 500 Six Years Fr 3124517

1. Ryan expects to deposit $1,000 now, $3,000 four years from now, and $1,500 six years from now in an account that is earning 12% per year compounded semiannually through a company- sponsored saving plan. What amount can he withdraw ten years from now?

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1 Run The Binary Search Method On A Set Of Unordered Data What Happens 2 Using The C 2041600

1. Run the binary search method on a set of unordered data. What happens?

2. Using the CArray class with the SeqSearch method and the BinSearch method, create an array of 1,000 random integers. Add a new private Integer data member named compCount that is initialized to 0. In each of the search algorithms, add a line of code right after the critical comparison is made that increments compCount by 1. Run both methods, searching for the same number, say 734, with each method. Compare the values of compCount after running both methods. What is the value of compCount for each method? Which method makes the fewest comparisons?

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1 Rowley Apparel Manufacturer Of The Famous Race Arama Swimwear Line Needs Help Plan 3124565

1. Rowley Apparel, manufacturer of the famous “Race-ARama” swimwear line, needs help planning production for next year. Demand for swimwear follows a seasonal pattern, as shown here. Given the following costs and demand forecasts, test these four strategies for meeting demand:

a. Level production with overtime and subcontracting, as needed,

b. level production with backorders as needed,

c. chase demand, and

d. 3000 units of regular production from April through September and as much regular, overtime, and subcontracting production in the other months as needed to meet annual demand.

e. Determine the cost of each strategy. Which strategy would you recommend?

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1 Show That A Monotone Real Function Is Measurable 2 2008152

1. Show that a monotone real function is measurable.



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1 Roa And Roe Models And Ratio Components The Salza Technology Corporation Successfu 2839408

1. ROA and ROE models and Ratio Components] The Salza Technology Corporation successfully increased its “top line” sales from $375,000 in 2015 to $450,000 in 2016. Net income also increased as did the venture’s total assets. You have been asked to compare the financial performance between the two years.


1. Calculate the net profit margin and the sales-to-total assets ratio for Salza for 2016 using average total assets. Also calculate the return on total assets in 2016 using average total assets.



Calculate the ratios in the ROA model for both 2015 and 2016 using year-end total assets. Comment on any financial ratio differences

.Using average balance sheet account data, calculate the (a) current ratio, (b) quick ratio, (c) total-debt-to-total-assets ratio, and (d) the interest coverage ratio for 2016.

Repeat the ratio calculations requested in Part A separately for 2015 and 2016 using year-end balance sheet account data. What changes, if any, have occurred in terms of liquidity and financial leverage?

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1 Show How To Use A Systolic Array To Transpose A Matrix 2 How Many Processors And H 2538339

1. Show how to use a systolic array to transpose a matrix.

2. How many processors and how many steps are required for a systolic machine that can multiply an M -by-N matrix by an N -by-1 vector?

3. Give a simple parallel scheme for matrix-vector multiplication using processors which have the capability to “remember” computed values.



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1 Routine Work Of Pricing Distribution And Promotion Of Services To Customers Is Cla 2847179

1.Routine work of pricing, distribution and promotion of services to customers is classified as A.descriptive marketing B.interactive marketing C.internal marketing D.external marketing 2. Marketing done by motivating and training of employees for differential customer services is classified as A.interactive marketing B.internal marketing C.external marketing D.descriptive marketing 3. To create fit between demand and supply, non-peak demand, complementary services, differential pricing and reservations systems are strategies of A.demand side B.supply side C.complementary side D.descriptive side

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1 Show Directly From Equation 12 21 Without Using The Detailed Balance Equation That 2528156

1. Show directly from equation (12.21) (without using the detailed balance equation) that the posterior distribution P(X | e) is a stationary distribution of the Gibbs chain (equation (12.22)).

2. Show that any distribution π that satisfies the detailed balance equation, equation (12.24), must be a stationary distribution of T.


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1 Rewrite Exercise 1 Using An Arraylist Write A Program To Test Your Implementation 2041548

1. Rewrite Exercise 1 using an ArrayList. Write a program to test your implementation and compare its performance to that of the array implementation in Exercise 1 using the Timing class.

2. Design and implement a class that uses an array to mimic the behavior of the ArrayList class. Include as many methods from the ArrayList class as possible. Write a program to test your implementation.


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