1 Mrs Mary Atkins Age 66 Has Been Your Firm S Client For Five Years Since The Death 2280228

1. Mrs. Mary Atkins, age 66, has been your firm’s client for five years, since the death of her husband, Dr. Charles Atkins. Dr. Atkins had built a successful newspaper business that he sold two years before his death to Merit Enterprises, a publishing and broadcasting conglomerate, in exchange for Merit common stock. The Atkinses have no children, and their wills provide that upon their deaths the remaining assets shall be used to create a fund for the benefit of Good Samaritan Hospital, to be called the Atkins Endowment Fund.

Good Samaritan is a 180-bed, not-for-profit hospital with an annual operating budget of $12.5 million. In the past, the hospital’s operating revenues have often been sufficient to meet operating expenses and occasionally even generate a small surplus. In recent years, however, rising costs and declining occupancy rates have caused Good Samaritan to run a deficit. The operating deficit has averaged $300,000 to $400,000 annually over the last several years. Existing endowment assets (that is, excluding the Atkins’s estate) of $7.5 million currently generate approximately $375,000 of annual income, up from less than $200,000 five years ago. This increased income has been the result of somewhat higher interest rates, as well as a shift in asset mix toward more bonds. To offset operating deficits, the Good Samaritan Board of Governors has determined that the endowment’s current income should be increased to approximately 6% of total assets (up from 5% currently). The hospital has not received any significant additions to its endowment assets in the past five years.

Identify and describe an appropriate set of investment objectives and constraints for the

Atkins Endowment Fund to be created after Mrs. Atkins’s death.

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1 Pick A Single Offence Type That You Are Interested In Researching In Depth E G Mur 2759032

1) Pick a single offence type that you are interested in researching in depth (e.g. murder, car theft, fraud, etc.)

2) Conduct research about your offence type, specifically looking at ideas/theories concerning why the crime occurs (causation) with regard to a particular criminology theory that we have covered during the semester (e.g. strain theory, biological determinism).

3) Select the theory that you think best explains why/how this offence occurs.

4) In your essay, you are required to explain the links between your chosen offence and the crime causation theory that you have selected. Outline the reasons why you think that this is the best explanatory model.

5) To strengthen your analysis, compare the best theory you have chosen with two other theories and discuss why it is the superior approach in explaining your offence. For example, you may decide that strain theory is a better explanatory model in accounting for car theft than labelling theory. Outline the reasons that you think this – do not simply tell the reader which is better – you must explain whyas well.

6) In your conclusion, suggest one potential policy response that may help reduce/address the crime that you have researched. This suggestion should be broadly consistent with your theoretical analysis. For example, if you have chosen serial murder and explained it with reference to biological determinism, you may suggest compulsory psychological screening for young offenders convicted of a violent offence.

Document Preview:

Research essay Value: 40% Length: 2000 words The research essay is the major piece of work for the semester and marks the student’s debut as a junior criminologist. Each student will select one particular type of criminal offence (e.g. assault, car theft, financial fraud) and choose whichever criminology theory studied in the semester that can best explain it. The research essay requires students to conduct research about the chosen theory and offence using different academic sources, and analyse this research to explain the causes of crime. What to do: Pick a single offence type that you are interested in researching in depth (e.g. murder, car theft, fraud, etc.) Conduct research about your offence type, specifically looking at ideas/theories concerning why the crime occurs (causation) with regard to a particular criminology theory that we have covered during the semester (e.g. strain theory, biological determinism). Select the theory that you think best explains why/how this offence occurs. In your essay, you are required to explain the links between your chosen offence and the crime causation theory that you have selected. Outline the reasons why you think that this is the best explanatory model. To strengthen your analysis, compare the best theory you have chosen with two other theories and discuss why it is the superior approach in explaining your offence. For example, you may decide that strain theory is a better explanatory model in accounting for car theft than labelling theory. Outline the reasons that you think this – do not simply tell the reader which is better – you must explain why as well. In your conclusion, suggest one potential policy response that may help reduce/address the crime that you have researched. This suggestion should be broadly consistent with your theoretical analysis. For example, if you have chosen serial murder and explained it with reference to biological determinism, you may suggest compulsory psychological…



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1 P J Is Trying To Decide How Much To Consume In Time Periods 1 And 2 C C2 He Will 3298493

(1) P.J. is trying to decide how much to consume in time periods 1 and 2, (c, c2). He will get $100 in period 1 and $100 in period 2 . He can save and borrow as much as he wants between the two time periods at an interest rate of 20%. If PJ.’s utility function is U(G, ??) = c1c2, what level of consumption does he choose in period 2 if the inflation rate is also 10%? Assume that pi-Si. 9 (a) 100 (b) 140 (c) 180 (d) 80 (e) None of the above



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1 Paint Company Uses 60000 Gallons Of Pigment Per Year The Cost Of Ordering Pigment 2840386

1. Paint Company uses 60000 gallons of pigment per year. The cost of ordering pigment is br.200 per order, and the cost of carrying the pigment in inventory is br.1 per gallon per year. The firm uses pigment at a constant rate every day throughout the year

a. Calculate the EOQ?

b. Calculate the total cost of plan suggested by the EOQ?

c. Determine the total number of orders suggested by this plan?

d. Assuming that it takes 20days to receive an order once it has been placed, determine the order point in terms of gallons of pigment.(Assume the 360-day year)

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2. Add unary minuses to the arithmetic expressions of the sample language, and add its semantics to (a) the operational semantics and (b) the denotational semantics.



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2. Prove that the “split-interleave” method preserves the property that the columns are sorted.

3. Write a conventional C program to merge files using Batcher's  method.

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2.Explain the extent and quality of sustainability reporting of selected Australian Company case (Reece Group) against the sustainability reporting (disclosure) scoring index in above 1. If the selected company has not prepared sustainability report, explain its social responsibility shown in the annual report against the same index you prepared in above 1.



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1 One Of The Reasons That Protectionists And Government Officials May Favor Using A 2750349

1. One of the reasons that protectionists and government officials may favor using a quota instead of a tariff is: A. quotas ensure that the quantities of imports are strictly limited. B. quotas give less power to politicians than tariffs. C. quotas create less market distortions than tariffs. D. quotas generate more revenue for the government than tariffs.

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1 Prepare The Balance Sheets Of Parent Ltd And The Consolidated Balance Sheet As At 2768064

1. Prepare the balance sheets of parent ltd and the consolidated balance sheet as at 1 January 20×7 after each transation, using for each qution the balance sheets of parent Ltd and Daughter Ltd as at 1 January 20×7 Which Were as follows

Parent Ltd Daughter Ltd


Ordinary shares of E1 each 40,500 9,000

Retained earnings 4,500 1,800

45,000 10,800

Cash 20,000 2,000

Other net assets 25,000 8,800

45,000 10,800

(a)Assume that on 1 January 20×7 parent Ltd acqurent all the ordinary shares in Daughter Ltd for E10,800 cash, the fair value of the net assets in Daughter Ltd was Their book value

(b) The prchacse consideration was satisfied was satisfied by the issue of 5,400 new ordinary shares in parent Ltd, the fair value of a E1 ordinary share in parent Ltd was E2 the fair value of the net assets in Daughter Ltd was their book value.

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1 On November 2 201 7 Scannell Ltd Issued A 200 Million Five Year Maturity Cds Liabi 2843573

1. On November 2, 2017, Scannell, LTD., issued a $200 million, five-year maturity CDs(liability) denominated in Dollars at an interest rate of 2.25 percent. The CDs pay interest annually and the principal value of $200 million at maturity. Also on November 2, 2017, Scannell invested $150 million in a Rouble (?)-denominated ten-year maturity loan with an annual interest rate of 11 percentand $50 million was invested in a ten-year maturity U.S. Treasury note with an interest rate of 2.34 percent. The Rouble denominated loan pays interest annually with the principal paid at maturity (remember this loan contract is denominated in Rouble (?)). The ten-year U.S. Treasury note pays interest semiannually. The exchange rate on November 2, 2017 was ?59.0141/$. The exchange rate on November 2, 2018 was ?66.0468/$. Market interest rates in the U.S. for four-year maturity CDs on November 2, 2018 are 2.50 percent, the current market yield to maturity for an 9-year maturity U.S Treasuries is 3.20 percent, and the interest rate on an 9-year maturity Russian loan increased from 11 percent on the loan when originated on November 2, 2017 to a market rate of 13 percent on November 2, 2018. Thus, values of both assets and liabilities decline since interest rates increased in both Russia and the U.S. Note that the values of each of the balance sheet assets and liabilities change because of changes in market interest rates, changing time to maturities and changes in exchange rates.Fill in the table below for the balance sheets in Dollars and Rouble (?). Since Scannell, LTD was exposed to both interest rate risk and exchange rate risk, what were the gains or losses resulting from interest rate changes, maturity changes and the gains or losses due to exchange rate changes?

Exchange rates may be found at:https://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=USD&to=RUB&view=1M

U.S Treasury rates may be found at:


Solution matrix for problem (Market Values)

November 2, 2017 Date: ?59.0141/$

Balance Sheet Dollar Values (in millions) Balance Sheet Rouble Values (in millions)

Rouble Dollar Rouble Dollar

Loan $150 CD $200 Loan ?_______CD ?__________

U.S T-bill $50 U.S.T-bill ?________

$200 $200 ?________ ?__________

November 2, 2018 Date: ?66.0268/$

Balance Sheet Dollar Values (in millions) Balance Sheet Rouble Values (in millions)

Rouble Dollar Rouble Dollar

Loan $_______ CD $_______ Loan ?________ CD?________

US Trea$______ USTrea?________

Total $______ $_______ ?________ ?13,081.17

Gain or loss in $________ Gain or lossin ?__________

Russian Loan Price in Roubles on 11/2/18 with 9 years to maturity, yielding 13%

VB= 4,996.85 + 2,946.73 =?7,943.58

or ?7,943.58/?66.0268/$ = $___________

Scannell LTD CD in $ on 11/2/18 with 4 years to maturity, yield 2.50%

Vcd= = $____________

or $_____________*?66.0268/$ = ?____________

U.S Treasury Bond in $ on 11/2/18 with 9 years to maturity, yielding 3.2%

VTB = = $__________________

or $__________*?66.0268/$ =?_____________

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