1 Is The Logical Formula Given In The Text 2 Could One Of The Algorithm Machines Wit 2538379

1. Is the logical formula given in the text ?

2. Could one of the “algorithm machines” with full parallelism be used to solve  an NP-complete problem in polynomial time, if P ¢ NP? Explain your answer.

3. How does the problem “compute the exact value of 2N” fit into the P—NP  classification scheme?


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1 Many Efforts Are Underway To Build And Deploy Intelligent Transport Systems Using 2701509

1. Many efforts are underway to build and deploy intelligent transport systems using modern information technologies to improve existing networks and services. Investigate some of the current proposals and apply the four who’s to the proposal.

2. Pollution and pollution control are examples of a whole class of sociotechnical systems where disjunctions in the four who’s are common. Discuss how governmental regulatory efforts, both through mandated standards and pollution license auctions, attempt to reconcile the four who’s. To what extent have they been successful? How did you judge success?


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1 Is There An Immediate Polynomial Time Reduction From The Traveling Salesman Proble 2538378

1. Is there an immediate polynomial-time reduction from the traveling-salesman  problem on graphs to the Euclidean traveling-salesman problem, or vice versa?

2. What would be the significance of a program that could solve the traveling salesman problem in time proportional to 1.1N?


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1 Manufacturing Systems Are Complex Systems That Need To Be Architected If The Manuf 2700853

1. Manufacturing systems are complex systems that need to be architected. If the manufacturing line is software intensive, and repeated software upgrades are planned, how can certification of software changes be managed?

2. The feedback lags or resonances of a manufacturing system of a commercial product interact with the dynamics of market demand. Give examples of problems arising from this interaction and possible methods for alleviating them.


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1 Internet Protocol Ip Datagrams May Arrive In A Seemingly Random Order Of Chunks Th 2858033

1. Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams may arrive in a seemingly random order of chunks that the receiving IP entity must continuously collect until it can reconstruct the original datagram. Consider that the receiving IP entity possesses a buffer for assembling the original datagram’s data field. The buffer will comprise of chunks of data and “holes” between them corresponding to data not yet received. a. Describe an algorithm in pseudocode, prose, graphical, or any other representation, to collect and reconstruct the original datagram’s data field based on this concept. 2 In configuring remote office the network WAN configuration will be used with firewall interfaces. The network protocols that will be used for file sharing will be TCP whereas for video streaming will be UDP 2. Consider the scenario where you are configuring a new remote office for your organization. Describe and justify the network topology you would utilize, including any infrastructure and services. Discuss the network protocols you would utilize throughout its implementation assuming a proprietary collaborative system, which includes file-sharing and video conferencing capabilities, is utilized internally and must be supported by your team. Document Preview:

Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams may arrive in a seemingly random order of chunks that the receiving IP entity must continuously collect until it can reconstruct the original datagram. Consider that the receiving IP entity possesses a buffer for assembling the original datagram’s data field. The buffer will comprise of chunks of data and “holes” between them corresponding to data not yet received. Describe an algorithm in pseudocode, prose, graphical, or any other representation, to collect and reconstruct the original datagram’s data field based on this concept. 2 In configuring remote office the network WAN configuration will be used with firewall interfaces. The network protocols that will be used for file sharing will be TCP whereas for video streaming will be UDP Consider the scenario where you are configuring a new remote office for your organization. Describe and justify the network topology you would utilize, including any infrastructure and services. Discuss the network protocols you would utilize throughout its implementation assuming a proprietary collaborative system, which includes file-sharing and video conferencing capabilities, is utilized internally and must be supported by your team.



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1 Load Designcase1 2015 Into Powerworld Simulator Perform An Initial Power Flow Solu 2844407

1. Load DesignCase1_2015 into PowerWorld Simulator. Perform an initial power-flow solution to verify the base case system operation without the TULIP load. Note that the entire line flows and bus voltage magnitudes are within their limits. Assume all line MVA flows must be at or below 100% of the limit A values, and all voltages must be between 0.95 and 1.10 per unit.2. Repeat the above analysis considering the impact of any single transmission line or transformer outage. This is known as contingency analysis. To simplify this analysis, PowerWorld Simulator has the ability to automatically perform a contingency analysis study. Select Tools, Contingency Analysis to show the Contingency Analysis display. Note that the 57 single line/transformer contingencies are already defined. Select Start Run to automatically see the impact of removing any single element. This system has line violations for several different contingencies.3. Using the rights-of-way and the transmission line parameters/costs given in the cost section (Sample Transmission System Design Costs), iteratively determine the least expensive system additions so that the base case and all the contingences result in reliable operation points (i.e., one with no violations) with the new TULIP load. The parameters of the new transmission line(s) need to be derived using the tower configurations and conductor types. Tower configurations are provided by the instructor with default values given with the cost data. Several different conductor types are available in the cost section. The total cost of an addition is defined as the construction costs minus the savings associated with any decrease in system losses over the next 5 years. 4. Write a detailed report discussing the initial system problems, your approach to optimally solving the system problems, and the justification for your final recommendation.



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1 Management Responsibilities And Internal Controls Please Respond To The Following 2812394

1- Management Responsibilities and Internal Controls” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, analyze management’s role in the fraud and make recommendations as to how management could have prevented the fraud. Support your recommendation with examples.
  • Imagine that you are a member of the management team and are having financial difficulties. You need money for a short period of time and plan to pay it back. Develop a scheme that is likely to be undetected by internal controls. Make recommendations that would prevent you from carrying out your scheme. Support your scheme and recommendations with examples.

2-“External Auditors and Governing Bodies” Please respond to the following:

  • You are an auditor assigned to XYZ’s Company’s annual audit. The company has not reported an item because management’s assertion is that the item is immaterial. You may agree or disagree. Construct an argument that supports whether you agree or disagree with management’s assertion. Support your answer with examples.
  • The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a key governing body when it comes to financial statements. Evaluate the effectiveness of the SEC over financial statement reporting and take a position as to its effectiveness. Construct an argument that supports your position that the SEC is not effective or is effective in regulating financial reporting. Support your answer with examples.
  • 3–Financial Statement Fraud and Bribery” Please respond to the following:
    • Evaluate at least three methods that are used to commit financial statement fraud. Give your opinion of which method is mostly likely to be detected by external auditors. Provide support for your rationale.
    • From the e-Activity, explain the type of transactions the fraudster(s) was involved in, the organization the fraudster worked in, and how the bribery was detected.
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1 List Five Structural Steel Elements Used In Typical Building Construction And Thei 3697975

1. list five structural steel elements used in typical building construction and their primary function.



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1 Let B Be A Bayesian Network And X A Variable That Is Not A Root Of The Network Sho 2528150

1. Let B be a Bayesian network, and X a variable that is not a root of the network. Show that PB may not be the optimal proposal distribution for estimating PB(X = x).

2. In exercise we defined the edge reversal transformation, which reverses the directionality of an edge X → Y. How would you apply such a transformation in the context of likelihood weighting, and what would be the benefits?


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1 List Five Reasons That Individuals With Auto Insurance May Qualify For Reduced Pre 2719527

1. List five reasons that individuals with auto insurance may qualify for reduced premiums. (Hint: These can be related to the automobile that they drive or their own characteristics, or both).


Match each term with the correct statement below.


additional living expenses


comprehensive personal liability




loss settlement clause


Other structures

1. When an insured peril damages an individual’s house, any increase in living costs is covered by _________________ insurance.

2. _________________ coverage protects an insured against loss to a detached garage.

3. The residence premises is called the _________________ in the homeowners’ policy.

4. The _________________ determines how items will be valued for adjustment purposes.

5. The _________________ provides liability coverage in the homeowners’ policy.

3. What are four methods for reducing moral hazard?

4. What are some methods for reducing asymmetric information?
5. What are riders? What are endorsements?

6. How can risk management benefit a corporation?

7. What are some appropriate techniques that an employer could use to reduce health care costs for its employees?

8a. What are some potential repercussions if underwriting standards are too lenient? What if underwriting standards are too stringent?

b. What are characteristics of a soft market?

c. What are some methods for an insurance company to reduce fraud in insurance? (list three)

9. What is the probability of dying for a male from ages 30 up to age 34?

What is the probability of living?

10. What are some of the motivations for employers offering employee benefits?

11. What do the average expected value, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation tell you about loss exposures?

Part Two

1. Explain the concepts of indemnity, adverse selection, asymmetric information, and moral hazard as they pertain to insurance.

2. What are the major sources of risk that we have discussed in this course? List and explain the sources of risks and why it is imperative to plan for these risks?

Part Three


A. A health insurance policy contains a $200 calendar-year deductible, an 80 percent coinsurance provision, and a $2,500 out-of-pocket cap. If a $10,000 covered claim is the only claim made this year, the insurance company will pay

B. A health insurance policy contains a $200 per-cause deductible, a 75 percent coinsurance provision, and a $2,000 coinsurance cap. If a $10,000 covered claim is the only claim made this year, the insured would have to pay

3. Use the risk management process; incorporate loss control methods where appropriate. Analyze this as if you are a risk manager from a corporation that lends money. (hint: some risks might include default risk and credit risk)


Credit-boost loophole scares lending industry

Associated Press

Jun. 10, 2007 12:00 AM

Only a low credit score stood between Alipio Estruch and a mortgage to buy a $449,000 Spanish-style house in Weston, Fla., a few miles west of Fort Lauderdale.

Instead of spending several years repairing his credit rating, which he said was marred by two forgotten cellphone bills and identity theft, the 37-year-old real estate agent paid $1,800 to an Internet-based company to bump up his score almost overnight.

Instantcreditbuilders.com, or ICB, helped Estruch boost his score by arranging for him to be added as an authorized user on several credit cards of people with stellar credit who were paid to allow this coattailing. Parents also use this practice when they add their children to their credit cards to help them build solid credit.

The result was a happy ending for Estruch, but the growing practice is sending shivers through the mortgage industry. Federal regulators are also becoming increasingly concerned.

And after being contacted by The Associated Press for this story, Fair Isaac Corp., the developer of the widely used FICO score, said it will change its credit scoring system beginning later this year in a way it contends will end this little-known but potentially high-impact mortgage loan loophole.

Benefits for renters

The pitch to those who are essentially renting their credit history for pay is seductive: You don’t need to worry about users of this service receiving duplicate copies of your credit cards, account numbers or personal information.

Brian Kinney, 44, a retired Army officer in Glendale, Calif., pulls in more than $2,500 a month by lending out 19 credit-card spots on two old Citibank cards with strong payment histories. Kinney, whose FICO score is above 800 on the scale of 300 to 850, quit his job working at a Farmers Insurance agency and uses the ICB income to tide him over until he starts his own agency.

Lenders are worried, however, that they’re taking on greater default risks by unknowingly offering lower interest rates than they otherwise would to applicants who artificially boost their credit scores.

Estruch paid $1,800 in December for three credit-card spots, and by January, his FICO score jumped from 550 to 715. In mid-March, he closed on his four-bedroom beige stucco house after obtaining a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage from a unit of American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. It carried a 7.5 percent interest rate and required no down payment.

How it works

Companies like Largo, Fla.-based ICB are sprouting on the Internet with little overhead and no-frills marketing. They post ads on community Web sites like Craigslist and have sponsored links on Google and Yahoo. Competitors of ICB have even reached out to mortgage brokers, lenders and real estate agents, flooding their e-mail with advertisements.

Jason LaBossiere, who founded ICB a year and a half ago, said his company receives 100 to 150 new leads daily, a number that has been growing, and those inquiries lead to 10 to 20 new clients a week.

ICB charges $900 for the first credit-card account, with a discount for additional ones. The cardholder allowing the piggybacking on his or her credit history can receive $100 to $150 per slot, depending on the age and credit limit of each card. ICB pockets the rest.

The effect on a credit score can vary depending on what else is in a client’s report. But one borrowed credit-card account can increase a score between 30 and 45 points, two between 60 and 90 points, and five between 150 and 205 points, according to ICB. That’s because the computer program that calculates scores is essentially tricked into believing the credit renter has a better repayment history when it sees the added accounts and that helps lift the credit score.

Once the credit-card company files an updated report to credit bureaus, leading to a higher FICO score, the credit renter is removed from the account of the person allowing the piggybacking.

Fraud concerns

Kinney, the retired Army officer in California, said those borrowing his good credit history don’t get his personal information, full credit-card number or credit-card expiration dates. Any sensitive data is handled through ICB, and Kinney adds the users himself by calling his credit-card company. ICB also destroys any duplicate cards that are issued to the credit renter, according to its contract.

In fact, Kinney fears that those seeking a credit hike are most at risk to be swindled. They give the cardholder their names and Social Security numbers, which, in the wrong hands, could lead to identity theft. Kinney said he also receives credit-card offers in the mail for the credit borrowers on his accounts.

Ginny Ferguson, a mortgage broker in Pleasanton, Calif., and a credit expert for the National Association of Mortgage Brokers, considers the practice mortgage fraud, and the trade organization is about to release a policy statement against it.

“These companies are encouraging consumers to commit fraud,” Ferguson said.

ICB’s LaBossiere said he sees his business as a second chance for the consumer who has had little financial education to make good decisions. “People who are our clients are spending an incredible amount of money to get their finances back in order,” he said.

So far, federal authorities have yet to make a ruling on the issue.

And lenders, who depend on credit scores to assess a person’s ability to pay back a loan, are closely watching the practice’s growth.

Risk Manager Blake wants you to calculate the average expected loss, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation for this loss experience.

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