1 Choose One Particular Episode That Will Allow You To Link To A Particular Theory O 3084426

EDF5622 Developing Learning & Learners.
Assessment Task 2A
• You do not need any academic references or links to theories for this task.
• All you need is to write up a learning episode from your past learning experience, or
your teaching experience, or your mentorship experience, or your team work within
your own working or study setting.
• We are looking for an episode that involves learning. The learner could be yourself –
or it could be a learner, or group of learners, you have observed.
• This is essentially a descriptive (NOT analytical or theoretical) writing task.
• This is the first step towards critically reflecting on learning – first we need the story
• In the previous assignment we gave you a ‘case’ to consider. Now we want you to be
framing your own ‘case’ or episode for analysis.
• Make sure that you use up the whole 800 words to write up a story that involves a
learning episode (+/- 10%)
1. Choose one particular episode that will allow you to link to a particular theory, or
theories, to explicate the “why” question to your story …
2. Describe who, when, where, how, learning happened, or did not happen.
3. Include sufficient detail in the story to provide ‘hooks’ that will allow you to attach, or
connect the theory later when you complete Assignment 2B. Then you will be linking your
learning episode to theory/theories and associated strategies for improvement
4. But for now, tell it as a story.
5. You can write using the first person “I” …
6. However, use pseudonyms (false names) for the ‘characters’ in your story. Your story
should not identify any particular persons or places explicitly (other than yourself).
You may find it helpful to share your story with a few classmates – and provide constructive
comments on their stories …
We look forward to reading about your experiences.
Regards, Peter
(on behalf of the teaching team)



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