1 A With Reference To The Phasor Diagram State What Is 2850138

1. (a) With reference to the phasor diagram, state what is meant by the load angle of a synchronous motor. (b) What is the value of this angle when the motor runs on no-load? 2. (a) Sketch the curve of the power factor characteristic of a synchronous motor as the excitation current changes.
(b) (i) With reference to the curve in part (a), when the excitation is increasing initially state whether the power factor is leading or lagging.
(ii) Explain, with the help of a phasor diagram for one phase, briefly what happens as the excitation increases further.
3. Explain briefly with the aid of phasor diagrams, how the synchronous machine stator current can be varied if the load is constant.
4. (a) State and explain briefly the main methods of excitation of a synchronous induction motor.
(b) Identify which method of excitation is most commonly used in modern machines.



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1 A Firm S Workforce Is On Average 20 Years Away From Retiring The Firm S Workers Su 2717400

1. a firm’s workforce is on average 20 years away from retiring. The firm’s workers Suppose could find similar work in other companies earning $40,000 per year. Also, suppose that workers who shirk their work have a .30 chance of being dismissed.

a. For simplicity, assume that workers could find a job in an alternative company with no search costs. What would the firm have to pay to impose shirking costs of $60,000 on the average worker during his (her) work life expectancy? Show your work.

b. Find three salary-probability of dismissal combinations that would yield shirking costs of $60,000 for the average worker over his (her) work life expectancy.

2. Suppose a firm is considering installing cameras and using spy software on the computers at the office to monitor its workers in addition to hiring additional supervisors. The firm estimates that increasing the probability of catching workers who shirk by .01 costs the company $10,000 per year. For example, in the problem above when going from 0.30 to 0.31, it would cost the firm $10,000 per year. How much would the firm have to spend in order to impose shirking costs of $75,000 on its average worker? Show your work. Assume that

· the firm’s work force is on average 20 years away from retiring

· that the firm’s workers could find similar work in other companies earning $40,000

· that the company currently pays its workers $42,000

· and that the current probability of catching workers who shirk is 0.30,

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1 A The Fibonacci Numbers Are The Numbers In The Following Integer Sequence Called T 2739217

1.(a) The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence, called the Fibonaccisequence, and are characterised by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 114, … etc.

By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two. We define Fib(0)=0, Fib(1)=1, Fib(2)=1, Fib(3)=2, Fib(4)=3, etc. The first 22 Fibonacci numbers given below:

Fib(0)Fib(1)Fib(2)Fib(3)Fib(4)Fib(5)Fib(6)Fib(7)Fib(8)Fib(9)Fib(10)011235813213455Fib(11)Fib(12)Fib(13)Fib(14)Fib(15)Fib(16)Fib(17)Fib(18)Fib(19)Fib(20)Fib(21)89144233377610987159725844181676510946Write a MARIE program to calculate Fib(n), where the user inputs n. For example, if the user inputs 7, the program outputs the value 13; if the user inputs 15, the program outputs the value 610; if the user inputs 20, the program outputs the value 6765 etc. You need to write and run the program using MARIE simulator. Please include appropriate comments to make your code readable.[10 marks](b) For some values of n, your program will not produce correct results. You can check this by gradually increasing the values of n and checking for the correct outputs. What is the maximum value of n for which your program produces a correct result? Why? Please comment on this [5 marks].2.You are designing an instruction set for your computer. All the instructions are of same size (11 bits long). The size of an address field is 4 bits. You have already designed six 2-address instructions and 30 1-address instructions. How many 0-address instructions still you can fit? Justify your answer. [7 marks]3. Write codes to implement the expression: A= (B + C) * (D – E) on 3-, 2-, 1- and 0-address machines. In accordance with programming language practice, computing the expression should not change the values of its operands. [8 marks]Rationale

This assessment task covers topics on CPU operation and Instruction Set Architecture, and has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to:

  • be able to investigate the internal operation of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) and describe how it is used to execute instructions;
  • be able to investigate and describe in detail the essential elements of computer organisation including internal bus, memory, Input/Output ( I/O) organisations and interfacing standards and discuss how these elements function;

Marking criteriaCriteriaHD (85%-100%)DI (75%-84%)CR (65%-74%)PS (50%-64%)FL (0%-49%)Simulating and investigating of internal operations of CPU and it’s instruction executionThe code meets the specification. Code is well documented with comments. The program produces correct outputs in every input situations. Code meets specification and is well documented with comments. Minor errors in explanationse.Code meets specification. Most of the time produces correct results, however does not produce correct results for special inputs. Little documentation and comments.Code meets specification but has errors in operation. Little commenting. Basic idea is expressed by the codes and explanations.Code does not meet the specification. Comprehension of internal elements of computer organisationAnswers are corrects. All steps are correctly shown.All codes are accurately written.All answers are correct with a minor error. All codes are correct except a minor error.Few minor errors in calculating the address spaces. The steps show the clear understanding of the address space calculation.All codes written correctly however the order were not maintained correctly.The final result is not correct, however the calculations show the basic understanding of the instruction set architecture.More than half of the codes are correct.No attempt or incorrect calculations showing no or minimum understanding of the topic.Codes do not meet the specification.


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Please also adhere to the following formatting rules:1. For Q1(a) you need to submit a *.mas file.2. Please compose the answers of 1(b), 2 and 3 in a document file (doc or docx format). Please do not submit in pdf formats. Please upload the document in the TURNITIN within deadline.
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1 A Tiltrotor Aircraft Shown In Figure 1 A Is Both An Airplane And A Helicopter It C 3209538

1. A tiltrotor aircraft shown in Figure 1-a is both an airplane and a helicopter. It can position its engine in a vertical position for takeoff and landing as a helicopter, and then rotate its engine 90 degrees to a horizontal configuration for cursing as an airplane. The altitude control system of the helicopter mode is shown in Figure 1-b. • Determine the root locus of this system as K varies between zero (0) and infinity (infinity). • Determine the range of K for a stable system • For K = 280, find the response y(t) to a unit step input r(t), and the corresponding Percentage overshoot (PO) and the settling time (T_s, with 2% criterion) • For K = 280, and r(t) = 0, find the response y(t) to a unit step disturbance 2. An arm of a space robot is shown in Figure 2-1 with its corresponding block diagram shown in Figure2-b. Perform the following tasks: • For a proportional controller Gc=Kp, determine the value of Kp such that the percentage overshoot P.O.-3%. • Plot the system response to a unit step input for the value of Kp determined in the previous task • Design a proportional -derivative controller (PD) using ITAE method with wn = 8 • Determine the required prefilter Gp(S). • Determine the system response to a step input after you add the PD and prefilter to the system. • Design a proportional-integral controller (PI) and a prefdilter using ITAE method. • Determine the system response to a step input after you add the Pi and prefilter to the system. • Design a proportional-integral-derivative controller (PID) and a prefilter using ITAE method such that the settling time T, <4 sec based on a 2% criterion. • What is your recommendation for the most appropriate controller among P, PD, PI, and PID for this system? TAs Controller Arm R- Gas) GO sEs+9 Fig 2-6 F’3 2-a Document Preview:




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1 A Tower And A Monument Stand On A Level Plane The Angles Of Depression Of The Top 3599211

1. a tower and a monument stand on a level plane . the angles of depression of the top and bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the tower are 13 degrees and 31 degrees respectively. the height of the tower is 145ft. find the height of the monument.

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1 A Rise In The Expected Future Exchange Rate Shifts The Demand For Domestic Assets 3305370

#1 A rise in the expected future exchange rate shifts the demand for domestic assets to the ____and causes the domestic currency to____. A) left; depreciate B) right; appreciate C) left; appreciate D) right; depreciate #2 A rise in the expected import demand shifts the demand for domestic assets to the ___ and causes the domestic currency to ___. A) left; appreciate B) right; depreciate C) right; appreciate D) left; depreciate

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1 A Survey Of 64 Of Your Fellow Classmates Determines That 19 Of Them Are Bullish On 1189456

1.) A survey of 64 of your fellow classmates determines that 19of them are bullish on the market while the remainder is bearish.What is the market sentiment index for this group ofindividuals?

2.)Last year, Kathy purchased 3 shares of stock A at $50 ashare. At the same time, she purchased 5 shares of stock B at $35 ashare. Today, stock A is valued at $65 a share and stock B is worth$42 a share. What is the relative strength of stock A as comparedto stock B?

3.)The series of Fibonacci numbers contains the sequentialvalues of 610 and 987. What is the next number in this series?

4.)The price of a stock increased from $32 to $38. Using phi,what are the primary and secondary support areas for the stock?

5.)Altoona Train stock increased from $18 a share to $25 ashare. Based on phi, what are the primary and secondary supportareas for this stock?

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1 A Payment Schedule Requires 20 Payments Of 10 000 The First Payment To Be Made 15 2808367

1. A payment schedule requires 20 payments of $10,000, the first payment to be made 15 years from today. Assuming a discount rate of 10%, what is the present value of this series of payments? (2 marks)

2. Assume the payment schedule in problem 1 changes as follows:

. the payment 17 years from today is waived, and

. a payment of $20,000 is made 18 years from today.

Assuming a discount rate of 10%, what is the present value of this series of payments? (2 marks)

3. Your friend is celebrating his 35th birthday today and wants to start saving for his anticipated retirement at age 65. He wants to be able to withdraw $10,000 from his savings account on each birthday for 10 years following his retirement; the first withdrawal will be on his 66th birthday. Your friend intends to invest his money in the local savings bank, which offers 8 per cent interest per year. He wants to make equal, annual payments on each birthday in a new savings account he will establish for his retirement fund. If he starts making these deposits on his 36th birthday and continues to make deposits until he is 65 (the last deposit will be on his 65th birthday), what amount must he deposit annually to be able to make the desired withdrawals on retirement? (3 marks)

4. Calculate an equivalent annual income for 20 years on the following income stream received over 30 years if the interest rate is 10% per annum compounded annually:

Years 1-15 $15,000pa

Years 16-20 $20,000pa

Years 21-30 $30,000pa (3 marks)

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1 A Researcher Suspected That The Number Of Between Meals Snacks Eaten By Students I 3775634

1. A researcher suspected that the number of between meals snacks eaten by students in a day during final examinations might depend on the number of tests a students had to take on that day. The accompanying table shows joint probabilities, estimated from a survey

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1 A Researcher Suspected That The Number Of Between Meals Snacks Eaten By Students I 3775923

1. A researcher suspected that the number of between meals snacks eaten by students in a day during final examinations might depend on the number of tests a students had to take on that day. The accompanying table shows joint probabilities, estimated from a survey

Number of tests (X)

Number of snacks(Y)

























a. Find the probability distribution of X and compute the mean number of test taken by students on that day

b. Find the probability distribution of Y and compute the mean number of snacks by students on that day

c. Find and interpret the conditional probability distribution of Y given that X=3.

d. Find the covariance between X and Y

e. Are number of snacks and number of tests independent?

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