this assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor objective of this case study to assess the ability of students to understand large data sets and apply their knowledge in analytics to come up with useful insights
The following learning outcomes have been covered in this assessment:
LO1. Demonstrate an in-depth the conceptual and methodological knowledge of analytical
methods and techniques for business analytics
LO2. Expertly identify and resolve practically relevant business analytics questions and issues
LO3. Conduct research on a collection of business cases and perform statistical analysis as also
interpret these outcomes to recommend appropriate business directions.
This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. Objective of
this case study to assess the ability of students to understand large data sets and apply their
knowledge in analytics to come up with useful insights. This assessment is designed to improve
student presentation skills and to give students experience in researching a topic and writing a
report relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter.
1. Find a data set from an open data website
The data source should be large enough (at least 10 columns and 250 rows).