annual e marketing plan 3
/in Uncategorized /by developerou should put together an annual e-marketing plan to help set the marketing in general on the right course to make any company’s business goals a reality. It is a high-level plan that guides the direction of the team’s campaigns, goals, and growth.
You need to select a B2C website
The web site is to be a brand site, not a site for a mega corporation with many different brands. For example: is a corporate website, while,,, are all Brands website.
You can use one of these companies: Nordstrom – Fancy – Bloomingdale – West elm – Bergdorf Goodman
An effective e-marketing plan should contain the following elements:
Introduction – what is the product or service? Describe it in detail and explain how it fits into the market.
- Business Summary
- Target Market
- Marketing Objectives and goals
- Market Strategy
- Budget
- Marketing Channels
- Evaluation Plan
Summary – Summaries profits, costs, advantages and why the plan should succeed.
Guidelines for the project assignment: Follow ALL the instructions in the attached PDF file
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comparative analysis 1918 influenza vs covid 19
/in Uncategorized /by developerWrite and submit a Comparative Analysis that complies with ALL of the following instructions:
For each of your answers, you must indicate from which source(s) you took your information. For information taken from the reading use (READ), from the WHO website use (WHO); and from the CDC website (CDC);. Note them just as shows in the preceding sentence, inside parentheses. Put the parentheses at the end of the sentence in which you provided the information.
- The Comparative Analysis shall include the following two components:
- What are three significant things that the 1918 Influenza and Covid-19 Pandemics have in common?
- In what three significant ways do the 1918 Influenza and Covid-19 Pandemics differ?
- There are no word count or formatting guidelines to follow; just do your best to answer the questions, above, in items a and b, in a logical and coherent manner.
Here is an example of what I want you to do in regard to citing the source for evidence: The 1918 influenza pandemic killed at least 50 million people worldwide (READ).
You can use the attached reading or do some research at both of the following websites:
Center for Disease Control Coronavirus (Covid-19) Resource Hub
World Health Organization Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) Outbreak Resource Hub
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examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the u s health care delivery system in a 1 000 1 250 word paper discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment 1
/in Uncategorized /by developercomplete question
Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment.
Include the following:
- Outline a current or emerging health care law or federal regulation introduced to reform or restructure some aspect of the health care delivery system. Describe the effect of this on nursing practice and the nurse’s role and responsibility.
- Discuss how quality measures and pay for performance affect patient outcomes. Explain how these affect nursing practice and describe the expectations and responsibilities of the nursing role in these situations.
- Discuss professional nursing leadership and management roles that have arisen and how they are important in responding to emerging trends and in the promotion of patient safety and quality care in diverse health care settings.
- Research emerging trends. Predict two ways in which the practice of nursing and nursing roles will grow or transform within the next five years to respond to upcoming trends or predicted issues in health care.
You are required to cite to a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
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week discussion 16
/in Uncategorized /by developer
In Chapters 26 and 27, we are discussing the case studies of Bim Consultants and Nerds Galore companies. One of the risks that an enterprise needs to address is employee satisfaction. High turnover of employees underlines a problem at the workplace, which can affect customer satisfaction and pose a threat to the business. The new HR VP at Nerds Galore has decided to address the high turnover issue at the company through a series of steps including outsourcing. If you are to address high turnover risk at your organization, what steps would you take? How does this may impact the organizational culture and employee morale? To complete this assignment, you must do the following: A) Create a new thread. As indicated above, assume that you have been asked to address high turnover problem at your company (or at Nerds Galore Inc), what steps would you take? How does this may impact the organizational culture and employee morale? ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS ABOVE IN YOUR THREAD B) Select AT LEAST 2 other students’ threads and post substantive comments on those threads, evaluating the pros and cons of that student’s recommendations. Your comments should extend the conversation started with the thread. ALL original posts and comments must be substantive. (I’m looking for about a paragraph – not just “I agree.”) NOTE: These discussions should be informal discussions, NOT research papers. If you MUST directly quote a resource, then cite it properly. However, I would much rather simply read your words. |
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1f10 written assignment 3
/in Uncategorized /by developerPlease read the file carefully:
1F10 Written Assignment #3 Part A. Choose any two pieces from the folder marked “1F10 Final Exam 2020 Listening Examples†found in the “Final Exam 2020†folder on Sakai. You will need to discuss each of these pieces in your paper (one paragraph for each piece). Describe the nature of this music using terminology presented in class. Here are some possible points of discussion for your paper: 1. Is there anything in particular that stands out (e.g., rhythm, harmony, texture etc.)? 2. Is the melody generally conjunct or disjunct? Does it cover a wide range or narrow? 3. Are there any interesting rhythmic patterns, or changes in texture? 4. Does the timbre of the instruments suit the style of music? Page 2 of 2 5. Does this music create vivid images or emotions in your mind. Describe these images or emotions. What sounds (i.e., materials) do you hear in the music that evokes these images or emotions? Part B Imagine that you are a film maker seeking inspiration by listening to these pieces. Choose any one piece from the folder (different from the pieces in Part A) that you would use as a sound track for your film. Briefly describe the scene in your film and explain how this music enhances or depicts the action on screen. (one paragraph). Note: You paper should consist of three paragraphs. Each paragraph should be roughly the same length. Be sure that your total word count does not exceed 800 words. Do not include an introductory or concluding paragraph. Do not choose the same piece more than once. This assignment is due on or before Friday March 27 at 11:55pm. You must upload your paper as a PDF file to our Sakai Site (under Assignments) Deductions for late assignments are stated in the course outline.
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debate essay 2
/in Uncategorized /by developerNew York law dramatically changed when the legislature amended the Criminal Procedure Law to require the police to make arrests in domestic violence cases when there was probable cause to do so, regardless of the wishes of the victim. Where the evidence establishes probable cause to believe that a misdemeanor or felony was committed, the police are prohibited from even asking the victim about whether to arrest ( (Links to an external site.).â€
Mandatory arrest laws for domestic violence continue to be controversial. There is tremendous support for both sides of the issue. Proponents argue that mandatory arrest laws are necessary to protect victims from their abusers. Opponents argue that these types of laws infringe on constitutional rights such as the right to privacy. The purpose of this assignment is to test students’ abilities to develop a logical argument for the pros and cons of mandatory arrest laws.
Step One: Written Argument
You will write a concise essay that effectively argues both sides of mandatory arrests. You must follow the format below:
Argument for mandatory arrest laws
Argument against mandatory arrest laws
Your personal position on mandatory arrest laws
Your essay should be three pages in length, typed, and double-spaced. You must include at least (2) sources to support your arguments. All types of sources are acceptable for this assignment. Be sure to include a reference page with your essay.
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is a research project and paper this is a research project answer the prompts given by using the web site given
/in Uncategorized /by developeris a research project and paper.This is a research project and paper. Explore the SBA website at Do not use any other resources.
- If you were a small business owner, I’m sure you’d find the SBA website very valuable
- Address each of the prompts below.
- Demonstrate your clear understanding of the topics by analyzing and summarizing the content you learned during your research.
- Do not copy and paste content from the website into your paper. Your work should demonstrate your own understanding and depth of thought.
- What resources are available to small business owners locally?
- What classes does the Learning Center offer?
- Explain what financing assistance is available for small business owners.
- Do you think the website lives up to the SBA’s goal of being a one-stop shopping resource for the small-business owner? Share why or why not?
This is a research project using on the website. Do not use any other resources.
Do not copy and paste content from the website into your paper. Conduct your own research and summarize what you learned for each answer.
- List each question, with your answer below it.
- Use a narrative format (paragraphs). Do not use bullets.
- Full 2 – 3 pages of typed content (not 1 1/2 pages)
- Single spaced (do not double space this business research document)
- 1″ margins all sides
- Use a standard size 12 font
- Spell and grammar check your work. Re-read it to improve the sentence structure and for accurate punctuation.
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ten legacies from the classical heritage
/in Uncategorized /by developerWrite ten (10) points that identify and articulate a piece of the Heritage from the European classical world on display in the current world space of Florida and the United States. Think specifically of and offer examples from your hometown (the place you currently reside with your parents or grand-parents or whosoever’s presence signifies your “homeâ€). Of these ten, several are mandatory examples I’d like to see in your answers and they will be enumerated below. The rest are of your own choosing.
Each of your answers should contain the following:
- A clear identification of the thing, structure, event, or behavior you’re identifying as being “influenced†by the connection to the Classical Heritage of the Greeks and/or Romans. How will you know that it is of that influence? The influencing item will be in the chapters and/or in the PowerPoints. You must note what specific page(s) your’re referencing from the book and/or the PowerPoints.
- A clear explanation (in .5 to .75 double-spaced 10 or 12 point font, 1 inch margins a la MLA style Microsoft Word formatted document, aka .doc or .docx) of WHY you think the item is of that heritage.
- Your take on how well you think that item represents the heritage. In essence, is the item “dead on it†or could it “use work†to better represent that heritage?
The items should be listed as follows
- The Pantheon.
- The “Allegory of the Cave.â€
- “Antigone.â€
- “Nicomachean Ethics.â€
- Greek/Roman frescoes.
- Seneca’s “Tranquilty of the Mind.â€
- Roman Colosseum
- Roman satire (name your inspiration).
- Your choice.
- Your choice.
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i need to write a thesis paper on chichen itza the natural wonder of the world the serpents and the column design it incorporates in its cultural at that time and the meaning behind them
/in Uncategorized /by developeri am uploading the pdf file which is the only source im allowed to use and write the essay about. the pdf is about the serpeant and atlantean columns found in chichen itza and the symbolism behind them. if you would like please create the thesis argument and support it using the information found on pdf attahced
** use Times New Roman font in size 11, with 1.5 spacing and standard 1inch margins. Please proofread before submitting. Do NOT add extra spaces between paragraphs. Your word program may do this automatically – adjust accordingly.
** The only information that should be at the top of the page is your name.
** Double space once between your name and the remainder of the information included in the assignment.
** include an introduction and a conclusion. You must include a thesis statement:
– A thesis statement helps organize your paper from beginning to end.
– A thesis statement is one to three sentences that appear at/near the beginning of your paper that clearly state the parameters and focus of the paper.
– The key idea(s)/argument(s) in your thesis statement should form the basic structure of your paper, so key words/phrases from the thesis statement should appear through your paper as it develops.
– The conclusion of the paper should restate the goals and key ideas of the thesis and the conclusion you have reached about them.
– the thesis statement should tell the reader in one – three sentences what you intend to focus on in your paper. Your thesis statement can be integrated into your introductory paragraph of your essay. It does not need to be :stand alone†– indeed, a sophisticated essay will incorporate it into the body of the initial paragraph.
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