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activity 1 discussion 2 respond case application 6

Discussion: We have covered several learning objectives this week. Using your own words, select one of these learning outcomes and explain why you think it’s important. (the materials that we learned are in the powerpoint.) Discussion 80-100 words. Also, reply to two classmates’ discussions around 50 words EACH See the powerpoint! Thanks for helping! Please […]


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activity 1 discussion 2 respond case application 4

Discussion: We have covered several learning objectives this week. Using your own words, select one of these learning outcomes and explain why you think it’s important. (the materials that we learned are in the powerpoint.) Discussion 80-100 words. Also, reply to two classmates’ discussions around 50 words EACH See the powerpoint! Thanks for helping! Please […]


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activity 1 discussion 2 respond case application 5

Discussion: We have covered several learning objectives this week. Using your own words, select one of these learning outcomes and explain why you think it’s important. (the materials that we learned are in the powerpoint.) Discussion 80-100 words. Also, reply to two classmates’ discussions around 50 words EACH See the powerpoint! Thanks for helping! Please […]


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business report of statistics 1

The purpose of this business report is to permit you to show what you have learned in the course about statistics, in particular what you have learned about correlation and regression, and what should be included in a practical business report using statistical analyses. Students must submit a concise business report for which they should: […]


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resume and cover letter 31

An applicant’s professional history and qualifications are outlined in a resume. A cover letter is a way for the applicant to make a professional introduction to the hiring manager and demonstrate an interest in the company. Develop a current resume and create a formal cover letter for a position for which you would like to […]


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mgt468 grantham week 3 proposal for an organizational retention and motivation action plan

Part I Due Week Three: Project Proposal for an Organizational Retention and Motivation Action Plan Carnival Cruise Line-see details below. For part I, the team will select an organization for the project and submit 7 – 10 slides of PowerPoint presentation that includes the following: Name of the organization and the industry in which it […]


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geog 1100 applying research to geographical problems

Introduction: This assignment is intended to encourage the development of research skills and critical analysis in geography. The assignment has 3 steps, outlined below. Instructions:Step 1. Choose 1 of the following topics to explore: Geographies of colonialism, postcolonialism and dispossession Global geographies of environmental change International migration Step 2: Select 1 article that provides a […]


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need to write short answer after watching video

Complete the following questions after viewing the posted videos in the classroom.Limit responses to no more than 300 words per question. Video #1:Coronavirus Hits Companies in China, but They Still Have a Reason to Stay Discuss globalization and the emergence of China as the world’s factory floor and more recently, an important market for multinational […]


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psychology hw 2

APA format 1.Describe a time when you used short-term memory today. Explain how long you actually retained the information. How did you encode it? Explain how much you remember now. Describe how long-term memory is helping you read this quiz question. If you did not understand the meanings of these written words could you read […]


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data analyse by using excel based on the mutable stages test on the effect of self talk for 20 participants

1-Create a table of the Descriptives for the subjects, and any of the 4 columns that you choose. (Samples are shown on the next pages.) Use any of the 4 columns from the data file that was provided and create a table that contains the descriptives for each. (mean, standard deviation, median…etc.) 2. Using this […]


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