Entries by developer

effective communication and training in implementing a performance management system 5

As senior HR manager of a large Saudi Arabian Company, you have been assigner the task of monitoring and evaluating the organization`s current performance management system. you have also been receiving complaints from the customer service employees that their rafting seems inaccurate and inconsistent. These employees feel the criteria of assessing the performance are not […]


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discussion robotic systems application of principles

Advances in robotics are occurring every day, from improved sensing and control algorithms to the development of flexible coverings capable of tactile sensing (i.e., sensing touch). Now that you have had a chance to explore critical concepts and topics associated with robotic system design, development, and use, consider how the application of advanced robotics principles […]


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create a project proposal 1

The purpose of the project proposal is to describe how to automate or improve the automation of a specific business process, and then to explain how completing the project will positively affect the business. Once a project proposal is accepted, project work can begin; therefore, a successful project proposal must include all of the information […]


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follow the instruction to write 1page assignment

Why are advisors important to you new venture? For your business idea, list who three key advisers will (or might) be. At least one of these people should be someone that you already know. Briefly describe the difference between organisational structures of product, functional, geographic, matrix and hybrid. Select one of these structures and create […]


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discussion 3761

Information Governance for E-Mail We learned that e-mail is a major area of focus for information governance (IG) efforts, and has become the most common business software application and the backbone of business communications today. In addition, the authors provided details to support their position by providing 2013 survey results from 2,400 corporate e-mail users […]


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modern leadership style implementation essay

Modern Leadership Change For this critical thinking assignment option, you will research and discuss a company of your choice that has implemented a modern leadership style. For this assignment you will write a 3 page research report that covers the following: Present detailed information about an innovative retention strategy that the organization should implement, which […]


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answer intermediate algebra question and reply to student post 2 part question

1.(a) What is the very fist step when factoring a polynomial? Provide an example! (b) Discuss how to factor by grouping and provide an example. 2. Reply to each and every post from your classmate (we are only like 6 students in our class) providing comments, thoughts, some good feedback, or questions. You must elaborate […]


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select a nurse that historically contributed to the advancement of the profession

Question1 Select a nurse that historically contributed to the advancement of the profession. Write a 2-3 page paper that responds to the following questions. Identify the nurse and his/her background and complete the following: Provide a brief description of the major social issues occurring at the time this nurse lived Describe two contributions made to […]


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i need one page 7

2. Watch these videos on Global Branding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6ZbgXfvaEI (Links to an external site.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1pi9i3dD5w (Links to an external site.) Now watch this lecture/interview with Howard Schultz, founder and former CEO of Starbucks. It runs just under an hour. It is an “old” video — from 2008. 2008 was the global financial crisis. So there are […]


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the chief human resources officer has asked that you draft a communication that first line management can use as a reference for the justification of the layoffs when they sit down with each of their employees

For this week’s assignment, please read the scenario below. Scenario You are the vice president of a corporation responsible for product sales for the northeast region of the United States. Due to the coronavirus, product sales have plummeted 65% compared with this same time last year. In discussions with the corporate chief financial officer, corporate […]


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