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is a research project and paper this is a research project answer the prompts given by using the web site given

is a research project and paper.This is a research project and paper. Explore the SBA website at http://www.sba.gov. Do not use any other resources. If you were a small business owner, I’m sure you’d find the SBA website very valuable Address each of the prompts below. Demonstrate your clear understanding of the topics by analyzing […]


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ten legacies from the classical heritage

Write ten (10) points that identify and articulate a piece of the Heritage from the European classical world on display in the current world space of Florida and the United States. Think specifically of and offer examples from your hometown (the place you currently reside with your parents or grand-parents or whosoever’s presence signifies your […]


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i need to write a thesis paper on chichen itza the natural wonder of the world the serpents and the column design it incorporates in its cultural at that time and the meaning behind them

i am uploading the pdf file which is the only source im allowed to use and write the essay about. the pdf is about the serpeant and atlantean columns found in chichen itza and the symbolism behind them. if you would like please create the thesis argument and support it using the information found on […]


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need paper 7

Each student will select one of the key terms listed below and conduct a search of University’s online Library resources to find 1 recent peer reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format: Key terms: Influence as it Relates […]


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coun4 due on 4 9 17 59

1st Step: Watch How Stress Affects Your Brain 2nd Step: Share in one paragraph, what are your reactions and thoughts about this video. Did you learn something new about the relationship between stress and the brain. Do you understand some of your stress/strain symptoms after listening to this video? After watching this video and reading […]


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government amp non profit accounting 1

1. These transactions relate to Metro Bus, which provides transportation services to residents of Parker County. Metro Bus is accounted for as a County Enterprise Fund. Make journal entries to account for the following 2013 transactions in the Enterprise Fund. 2. Explain Financial Reporting Objectives of federal government 3. Malaz Township decides to construct a […]


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team charter memo

Now that you have begun discussing work with your group, to include the purpose and function of collaboration, your individual strengths and weaknesses as team members, and the various collaborative tools at your disposal, you will make a Team Charter Memo that outlines your workflow and the standards and expectations of your group. Remember that […]


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please write an article critique that meets all of the below criteria

Note: I have attached the study guide as well as an article from the Online CSU Library. If you don’t think this article has enough info let me know and I can try to find a different one because it has to come from that site. Below is the citation information for the article. Modi, […]


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the change in demand for medical care in the united states 1

1.The change in demand for medical care in the United States Write a research paper, about 6-10 pages in APA format. with 6 scholarly cited resources as references. Section 1: Discuss Topic Background (Citations are required) Section 2: Data Analysis (R Studio – R language – Library: mosaic) •Describe the fields of the dataset. •Create […]


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respond to the following prompt questions journal assignment

Journal 3: Respond to Rosa Alexander’s “The Meme-ing of Trigger Warnings,” A) Do you believe that there is a backlash against trigger warnings much as there is a backlash against political correctness? In other words, are people worried that “words, ideas, and subjects that might cause discomfort or give offense” are taken to a level […]


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