Entries by developer

history in east asia

Based on the information in Unit 5 post a thesis on East Asia from 1500-1800 and then provide evidence to prove your thesis. In your thesis you may want to: Compare and contrast the Ming and Qing dynasties Compare and contrast the Qing dynasty and Tokugawa Japan Discuss whatever other trend you may have noticed […]


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intro to humanities 12

Please see the below the questions below that I would like to have individually answered. This assignment must consist of 1000+ words with 3 Scholarly Sources, the below reference must be used as one source. Please put the question number by the answer so that I know what answer goes with each question. **NO PLAGIARISM […]


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one sample hypothesis testing cases 28

Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ abilities to combine the knowledge of descriptive statistics covered in Weeks 1 and 2 and one-sample hypothesis testing to make managerial decisions. In this assignment, students will learn how statistical analysis is used in predicting an election winner in the first case. In […]


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choose one of the two linked articles please provide your thoughts as to the legal and ethical ramifications of not providing the transplant in the case of one article or doing surgery in the case of the other

Take a position either in opposition to or in favor of the procedures. Provide a minimum of two ethical and two legal reasons for your position. Injecting Drugs Can Ruin a Heart. How Many Second Chances Should a User Get_ – The New York Times.pdf Protection Sought for Medical Marijuana Users Who Need an Organ […]


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annual e marketing plan 3

ou should put together an annual e-marketing plan to help set the marketing in general on the right course to make any company’s business goals a reality. It is a high-level plan that guides the direction of the team’s campaigns, goals, and growth. You need to select a B2C website The web site is to […]


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comparative analysis 1918 influenza vs covid 19

Write and submit a Comparative Analysis that complies with ALL of the following instructions: For each of your answers, you must indicate from which source(s) you took your information. For information taken from the reading use (READ), from the WHO website use (WHO); and from the CDC website (CDC);. Note them just as shows in […]


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examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the u s health care delivery system in a 1 000 1 250 word paper discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment 1

complete question Examine changes introduced to reform or restructure the U.S. health care delivery system. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss action taken for reform and restructuring and the role of the nurse within this changing environment. Include the following: Outline a current or emerging health care law or federal regulation introduced to reform or […]


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week discussion 16

In Chapters 26 and 27, we are discussing the case studies of Bim Consultants and Nerds Galore companies. One of the risks that an enterprise needs to address is employee satisfaction. High turnover of employees underlines a problem at the workplace, which can affect customer satisfaction and pose a threat to the business. The new […]


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1f10 written assignment 3

Please read the file carefully: 1F10 Written Assignment #3 Part A. Choose any two pieces from the folder marked “1F10 Final Exam 2020 Listening Examples” found in the “Final Exam 2020” folder on Sakai. You will need to discuss each of these pieces in your paper (one paragraph for each piece). Describe the nature of […]


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debate essay 2

New York law dramatically changed when the legislature amended the Criminal Procedure Law to require the police to make arrests in domestic violence cases when there was probable cause to do so, regardless of the wishes of the victim. Where the evidence establishes probable cause to believe that a misdemeanor or felony was committed, the […]


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