influence of politics on public understanding of science persuasive

The primary written assignment in this course will be a Persuasive/Argumentative Paper on a topic that demonstrates how Politics/Politicians influence/manipulate or coerce our understanding of Science. The topics are not to be summaries or re-iterations of material from our textbooks or materials utilized in class, but rather original topics that are controversial in nature and allow the student to persuade the reader to consider their point of view. Topics from any field of science may be assigned by the instructor or chosen by the student at the instructor’s discretion. The paper must demonstrate the ability to apply scientific method principles and processes including an understanding of the science, impact of the science through application and demonstration in our daily life and consequences of political interpretation of the science. It is critical that the student develop these skills and knowledge to understand and interpret scientific information and the impact of science on their lives, the environment and society, so that the student is prepared for the 21st century. A research paper outline must be turned in

The paper will be 2000-3000 words (5-10 pages) in length, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, and using APA format. You will take a side on an issue and write a paper that attempts to persuade the reader to accept your point of view on the topic. The papers must be submitted to “Turnitin” through “CANVAS”

(As a topic suggestion, maybe relate it to the pandemic of the corona virus OR political manipulation of the publics understanding of global warming)

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