linguistic class

Linguistics 3C Writing DiagnosticName:

Exploring the Signs of Consumer Culture

Read the article, “You Are What You Buy: Postmodern Consumerism and the Construction of Self by Danielle Todd in Week 1 Course Content folder.

Writing Prompt: As Todd reinforces in her article suggestively entitled “You Are What You Buy: Postmodern Consumerism and the Construction of Self, “consumption has a communication function for the other”. Thus, it might have also become a way to transform the self in order to belong, to fit within a specific social structure.

Write an essay using MLA formatting and showing me everything you know already about grammar and writing structure and organization describing why and how consumption is a communication function as a way to transform the self in order to belong and to fit within a specific social structure.

•Draw on evidence from the article to support your answers as well as reflect on the following questions in your writing:

• How do you respond to being told your identity is equivalent to the products? Do you agree or disagree with the notion?

•Do you recall any instances when you have felt lost with your favorite material object, such as your clothing, books, food, home décor, electronic goods?

•How do you communicate your sense of self to others through objects, whether clothing, books, food, home décor, electronic goods, or something else?

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