5 6 pages assignment 1

● How you understand subcultures and their influence on unique market behaviors

● Analyze and provide information about the culture and subculture and the unique marketing aspects it entails. Is your company being influenced by culture and subculture? Provide some advantages and disadvantages of being influenced by cultural differences.

● Describe the various religious subcultures and their implications for marketing and compare with the company.

● Explain the role of geographic regions as subcultures and they affect the marketing strategy of the company that you are researching.

This paper needs to include how useful your analysis is in terms of helping you understand productivity, proactivity reinvention as part of marketing strategy and consumer behavior.

Provide your explanations and definitions in detail and be precise. Comment on your findings. Provide references for content when necessary. Provide your work in detail and explain in your own words. Support your statements with peer-reviewed in-text citation(s) and reference(s).


1. APA format.

2.4-5 resources (include the one I provide)

3.The assignment should be a complete paper include introduction and conclusion.

reference of the resource I provide:

Song, R., Moon, S., Haipeng (Allan) Chen, & Houston, M. B. (2018). When marketing strategy meets culture: The role of culture in product evaluations. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46(3), 384-402. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11747-017-0525-x

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