management fo special needs population in refugee camps
hey we need to do three things before we finish this project
1-Field Observation tool: Create a tool, or instrument, to collect data about human behavior by observation. Essentially, a check sheet or prompts of what activities or signals (non-verbal behavior) you wish to collect for your research problem or question. Should your research proposal not require direct observation, we can observe people with disability and interview them as well and we can observe the managers of the camp how do they treat them and interview them as well
2- Data analysis plan Develop, post, explain and discuss your proposed data analysis plan. This is yet another component of your research proposal, that being how you intend to analyze the data you acquire. You need to pre-establish what tests or procedures you will use for coding and statistical processing. Comment amongst yourselves about the desirability of the processes you choose.
Include your understanding of the method, strengths, weaknesses, and interpretation of the statistical measures that you choose. Final evaluation of this work at the end of week
3- The methods section includes the data collection and data analysis plan. Compose and proof (make it perfect in spelling and grammar) the methods section of your research proposal, with appropriate reference citations.
Assure that you have explained solid effort t assure the validity and the reliability of your data and interpretations
I have attached examples of all of these so can get an idea