javascript hashing passwords

Hi, I need JavaScript code and corresponding HTML code to do the following:

The first step will be to create a List (see attached word doc for prev List code to use, this doubly-linked list, you can use this or single link list).

Next you will need to research and find a suitable Hash function. Here is a simple version of a Hash Function.

Put in A (any length) and get out B (fixed length). If the input is the same, the output is always the same. Most Hash Functions always give an output of the same length. Of course there is always the possibility of a Hash Collision where 2 inputs give the same output (in fact that is the basis of Cryptocurrency mining). The probability of an output B being the same for multiple inputs A is a direct function of the length of B and the number of characters in B.

Please use SHA-1 ( );

Once you have a list and a hash function – we will use it to create a Password System.

Your interface will include 2 Text boxes;

Add Password To List [ Text input ] Submit

Check For Password [ Text Input ] Submit

The first submit will Add the HASHED version of the Password as a Node in your list.

The second submit will Hash the second text box and compare it against all the values in the list. If it is in the List you will Output “Password Found” if it is not in the list output “Not Found”

You should also print the full list to the screen. This should obviously only display the hashed version of the passwords.

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