covid 19 assignment 1
It is rare to be directly involved in a single, widespread historical event. We need to remind ourselves to take stock of our lives and the lives of our loved ones, and understand that our place in this world is sometimes dictated by forces far beyond our own control.
But we also need to remember that we are our own historians. What we see, feel, and experience right now will go into the past historical record and be discussed long after all of us are gone. It’s an eerie thing to think about, but not unlike what many before us have experienced. I’m reminded of my grand parents who experienced the Second World War, and how that irrevocably changed, not only the world, but their view of it.
The assignment asks you to collect several primary sources dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. These should be sources that are important to you and that you feel, as a historian, would be lost or forgotten if not selected for archiving. These can be emails from the university, work, or other bits of information that have had an impact on you. Make sure these sources are properly dated of when they were issued.
Next, you will write three journal entries. The prompts are the video lecture I gave on COVID-19. Each entry must be 2 paragraphs in length and should be written in a natural, normal, conversational tone – the way you would write if you were, truly, writing your thoughts. You can include humor, jokes, etc.
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