1 School Of Architecture Computing Engineering Submission Instructions Cover Sheet T 3164847

1 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, COMPUTING, & ENGINEERING Submission instructions ? Cover sheet to be attached to the front of the assignment when submitted ? All pages to be numbered sequentially ? All work has to be presented in a ready to submit state upon arrival at the ACE Helpdesk. Assignment cover sheets or stationery will NOT be provided by Helpdesk staff Module code CN7023 Module title Artificial Intelligence & Machine Vision Module leader Dr Julie Wall Assignment tutor Dr Saeed Sharif Assignment title AI & Machine Vision coursework Assignment number 1 Weighting 70% Handout date 12/02/2019 Submission date 02/05/2019 Learning outcomes assessed by this assignment (see course handbook) Learning Outcomes: 5 – 10 Turnitin submission requirement yes Additional information ? ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK – Feedback on your assessment will be available in four working weeks from the submission date. Please refer to the module pages on UEL+ for assessment specific details. 2 Form of assessment: Individual work Group work For group work assessment which requires members to submit both individual and group work aspects for the assignment, the work should be submitted as: Consolidated single document Separately by each member Number of assignment copies required: 1 2 Other Assignment to be presented in the following format: On-line submission Stapled once in the top left-hand corner Glue bound Spiral bound Placed in a A4 ring bound folder (not lever arch) Note: To students submitting work on A3/A2 boards, work has to be contained in suitable protective case to ensure any damage to work is avoided. Soft copy: CD (to be attached to the work in an envelope or purpose made wallet adhered to the rear) USB (to be attached to the work in an envelope or purpose made wallet adhered to the rear) Soft copy not required Note to all students Assignment cover sheets can be downloaded from UEL Plus via the following pathway. Home Page ? ACE Information ? ACE Helpdesk ? Assignment Front Sheets All work has to be presented in a ready to submit state upon arrival at the ACE Helpdesk. Assignment cover sheets or stationery (including staplers) will NOT be provided by Helpdesk staff. This will mean students will not be able to staple cover sheets at the Helpdesk. 3 Group Coursework In groups of 4 persons, design, implement and report on neural network based techniques for classification/analysis experiments on a dataset of images. Write a 3000 words research report, in the style of a research paper, including the following: ? The research question(s) you are exploring and the experiments you designed to address these question(s). (The research question should also include the development/identification of a suitable image analysis technique fused with one or many neural networks). ? A clear presentation of the methods (neural network techniques using Matlab, network architectures, learning schedules, etc.) that were used, an outline of how they were implemented, and a discussion of why these methods were chosen. ? A clear presentation of results, discussion and interpretation of results and conclusions. Dataset Here are some online dataset repositories, feel free to use one or come up with your own: ? UCI KDD Archive : http://kdd.ics.uci.edu/ ? UCI Machine Learning Repository: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~mlearn/MLRepository.html ? NIST Handprinted Forms and Characters Database https://www.nist.gov/srd/nist-special-database-19 ? The mixed National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) data set https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dn754573.aspx ? CIFAR-10: http://groups.csail.mit.edu/vision/TinyImages/ Presentation and Submission Each group is required to submit one 3000 words research report. The presentations will take place on 9 th April 2019 and will take all day. Please make sure that you are available. The group will present their work according to the template slides that will be available on the Moodle page. Each student in the group is expected to present at least one slide. The group will answer a few questions about their experiments. 4 The marking scheme is as follows: Title Abstract (5 Marks) o Maximum number of words: 120 words Introduction (5 Marks) o Objective of the coursework (Research questions(s) you are exploring) o An overview of the coursework Methodology (15 Marks) o Discussion of neural network classification for images Simulations (20 Marks) o Introduction of the dataset o Input encoding / input representation (How and why?) o Procedures or how the implementation was carried out Results Obtained (10 marks) o Results obtained from the simulations of learning with the appropriate screen dumps Critical Analysis of results (10 Marks) o Detailed analysis of the results. Conclusions (10 Marks) o Conclusions and comments References and Formatting (5 Marks) Presentation (20 marks) See next page for the format of the research paper. 5 AUTHOR GUIDELINES FOR PROCEEDINGS MANUSCRIPTS IN 16 POINT TIMES NEW ROMAN, FULLY CAPITALISED AND CENTRED AND ONE BLANK LINE AFTER THE TITLE Author(s) Name(s) in 14 point times New Roman & Centred Author Affiliation(s), Italic in 12 point times New Roman & Centred E-mail Italic in 12 point times New Roman, Centred and give one blank line before starting the abstract Abstract: Type abstract in, 11 point times New Roman, single-spaced type with zero spacing before and after and the word abstract in bold. All manuscripts must be in English. All text after Abstract must be in a two-column format. Give two blank lines before starting introduction 1. Formatting your page: Top & Bottom Margins: 2.5cm Left & Right Margins: 2.5cm All text after Abstract must be in a twocolumn format, single spaced in 12 point times New Roman. Please do not place any additional blank lines between paragraphs. Columns are to be 7.6 cm wide, with a 0.8cm space between them. Text must be fully justified. 2. First-order headings: For example, “1. Introduction”, should be 14 Times New Roman boldface, initially capitalised, flush left, with one blank line before, and one blank line after. Use a period (“.”) after the heading number, not a colon. 2.1. Second-order headings: As in this heading, they should be 12 Point Times New Roman boldface, initially capitalised, flush left, with one blank line before, and one after. 2.1.1. Third-order headings. Third-order headings, as in this paragraph, are discouraged. However, if you must use them, use 12 Points Times New Roman boldface, boldface, initially capitalised, flush left, preceded by one blank line, followed by a period and your text on the same line. 3. Page numbering and Footnotes: Do not exceed eight pages; including graphs, illustrations, references etc. No page numbering and Do not use any footnotes. 4. Illustrations, Figures, photographs and tables: All should have captions below and centred 11 Points Times New Roman within TWO columns at the top or bottom of the page with NO Bold face or Italics 5. References: List all bibliographical references alphabetically in 12 point Times New Roman, single-spaced and one blank line after each reference at the end of your paper. When referenced in the text, enclose the citation like for example, (Smith, 2004). Smith S., Smith A., Roberts A., “Article Title”, Journal, Publisher, Location, Date, pp. 1-10. Smith S., Smith A., Roberts A, Book Title, Publisher, Location, Date. 6 Turnitin Policy 1. We recognise the educational desirability that all of our students should enjoy the opportunity to self-submit their work to Turnitin (before submitting for assessment). We also recognise that Turnitin Originality Reports will sometimes assist in the identification of plagiarised work submitted for assessment. 2. We will make Turnitin available to all of our students by way of our virtual learning environment (UELPlus) and we will encourage them to use it to improve their referencing skills. 3. All students will be given the opportunity to make multiple submissions of their written work to Turnitin. 4. All students will be advised, at the point of enrolment, that their work will be made available to third parties (such as Turnitin) for specified purposes, by way of a clause to be added to the Student Contract (the proposed clause, as suggested by Turnitin UK and JISCPAS, is set out in Annex I) and will be referred to Turnitin’s Questions and Answers for Students *. A Module Leader may decide, in accordance with the policy of the appropriate School, that all student submissions for a particular component of assessment How to Submit a Turnitin assignment http://www.uel.ac.uk/uelconnect/learning_technologies/uel_plus/turnitin.ht m Harvard Referencing – the guide to citation and referencing This guide is based on Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2010) Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. 8th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (Palgrave Study Skills). (Quick Guide) for online book Cite them right is now the standard Harvard referencing style at UEL for all Schools apart from the School of Psychology which uses the APA system. This book will teach you all you need to know about Harvard referencing, plagiarism and collusion. How to access ‘Cite them right’ online off and on campus o Open the University of East London website at http://www.uel.ac.uk o Click on UEL DIRECT 7 o Type in your network username and password e.g.u0256978 and Library1 o Click on UEL PLUS o Under Campus Bookmarks o Click on Cite them right o The book will load o See above Quick Guide for a more detailed instruction on how to read the online book 5. should be submitted to Turnitin, provided that the relevant Module Guide includes a notice to that effect. 6. All postgraduate research students will be required to submit their dissertations to Turnitin. 7. Where Turnitin submission is required of work that will contribute to summative assessment and the student fails to submit, s/he will be awarded a mark of 0 for the component in question. 8. An Originality Report should never be advanced as the sole reason for suspecting that a piece of work is plagiarised, because the judgement as to whether work is plagiarised must always be an academic judgement. 8 Plagiarism – A Guidance Note for Students 1. Definition of Plagiarism Our University defines plagiarism and other assessment offences in Part 8 of the UEL Manual of General Regulations (to which all students are referred upon joining UEL), which is reprinted in “The Essential Guide to the University of East London”. In this document, the following example of an assessment offence is given: (e) The submission of material (written, visual or oral) originally produced by another person or persons without due acknowledgement*, so that the work could be assumed to be the student’s own. For the purpose of these Regulations, this includes incorporation of significant extracts or elements taken from the work of an(other(s), without acknowledgement or reference*, and the submission of work produced in collaboration for an assignment based on the assessment of individual work. (Such offences are typically described as plagiarism or collusion). The following note is attached: *Note: To avoid potential misunderstanding, any phrase not the students’ own should normally be in quotation marks or highlighted in some other way. It should also be noted that the incorporation of significant elements of an(other(s) work, even with acknowledgement or reference, is not an acceptable academic practice and will normally result in failure of that item or stage of assessment. 2. Plagiarism in Greater Detail Work that students submit for assessment will inevitably be building on ideas that they have read about or have heard about in lectures. Students can, however, only demonstrate that they have learnt from their sources by presenting the concepts in their own words and by incorporating their own commentary on the findings. Where students submit work purporting to be their own, but which in any way borrows ideas, wording or anything else from other source without appropriate acknowledgement of the fact, the students are guilty of plagiarism. Plagiarism includes reproducing someone else’s work whether it be from a published article, book chapter, website, an assignment from a friend or any other source. When an assignment or report involves outside sources, or information, the student must carefully acknowledge exactly what, where and how he/she has employed them. If the words of someone else are used, they must be put in quotation marks or otherwise identified and a reference as to source appended. See the next section for more guidelines. For advice on actual 9 referencing techniques, and for some helpful tips on how to avoid plagiarism, see “The Study Skills Handbook” by Dr Stella Cottrell, pages 122-125. Making simple changes to the wording of a section from a book, article, web-site etc. whilst leaving the organisation, content and phraseology intact would also be regarded as plagiarism. 3. Collusion Collusion is the term used to describe any form of joint effort intended to deceive an assessor as to who was actually responsible for producing the material submitted for assessment. Students may obviously discuss assignments amongst themselves and this can be a valuable learning experience. However, if an individual assignment is specified, when the actual report/essay is produced it must be by the student alone. For this reason students should be wary of lending work to colleagues since were it to be plagiarised they could leave themselves open to a charge of collusion. 4. When to Reference Since the regulations do not distinguish between deliberate and accidental plagiarism, the key to avoiding a charge of plagiarism is to make sure that you assign credit where it is due by providing an appropriate reference for anything in your essay or report which was said, written, drawn, emailed or implied by somebody else. You need to provide a reference: ? when you are using or referring to somebody else’s words or ideas from an article, book, newspaper, TV programme, film, web page, letter or any other medium; ? when you use information gained from an exchange of correspondence or emails with another person or through an interview or in conversation; ? when you copy the exact words or a unique phrase from somewhere; ? when you reprint any diagrams, illustrations, or photographs. You do not need to reference: ? when you are writing of your own experience, your own observations, your own thoughts or insights or offering your own conclusions on a subject; 10 ? when you are using what is judged to be common knowledge (common sense observations, shared information within your subject area, generally accepted facts etc.) As a test of this, material is probably common knowledge if – you find the same information undocumented in other sources; – it is information you expect your readers to be familiar with; – the information could be easily found in general reference sources. 5. When Might the Charge be one of Unacceptable Academic Practice rather than Plagiarism? Students occasionally misunderstand the concepts being presented here and submit essays or reports where substantial and significant elements of another author’s work are used and acknowledged. It is clear that such an essay or report cannot satisfy the normal assessment criteria to: ? use your own words; ? provide a critical commentary on existing literature; ? aim for novelty and originality; ? demonstrate your understanding of the subject area by paraphrasing. It is thus likely in such a case that the outcome will be a fail mark for the particular piece of work concerned.



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