301061 Construction Work Safety Australian Construction Industry Safety Management A 2868239
301061: Construction Work Safety- Australian Construction Industry- Safety Management Assignment
1. Introduction
This unit describes the context of safety management in the Australian construction industry. The topics covered
include: the poor long-term record in the construction industry on Workplace Health and Safety (WHS); strategies
for improving the industry performance; introduction to hazard identification and risk management; accident
causation theories; and individual safety awareness and personal responsibility. There are 3 assessment items in this
unit (see the Table below).
This is an individual assignment. Students are required to conduct a case study on a significant workplace safety issue (e.g., work related injuries or fatalities; incidents or near misses; implementation of innovative approach to
improve safety; etc.). The specific tasks include:
3.1 Case selection and description
You are required to (1) identify a suitable case in the context of workplace safety for analysis.
You may consider finding a case from the following sources:
1. Your own or others life/work experience;
2. Observations;
3. Incidents records of workplace;
4. Interviews with employers or injured workers;
5. Books;
6. Newspapers;
7. Internet or other sources.
Please consult your tutor if you are not sure whether the case is suitable or not.
3.2 Describe the case in detail.
The requirements for the case description include:
1. Suggested length: 500 words
2. Do not include the particulars (e.g., name and address) of involved parties (e.g., injured worker, company and project) unless you derived the case from public sources(e.g., newspaper, Internet, books, etc).
3. Provide as much detail as possible.
3.3 Case Analysis
Once the case is confirmed, you are required to conduct research against the main issue(s) raised in the case. The
following 12 topics are suggested areas of analysis. Please consult your tutor if you wish to conduct research analysis
on topics beyond the below suggested areas.
1) Root causes of accidents
2) Costs of accidents (e.g., costs to employers, society, or injured worker)
3) Safety investments (e.g., costs of accident prevention activities)
4) Designing for safety (eliminate safety risks from designing stage)
5) Responsibilities of stakeholders
6) Barriers to effective safety systems/plans
7) Promoting safety culture/climate
8) Developing safety leadership (for supervisors, project managers, or top managers)
9) Assessing the risks (hazards identification, risk management)
10) Strategies for accident prevention
11) Safety training (competency, needs, contents, delivery, transfer, evaluation, etc)
12) Workers involvement in safety initiatives
You will need to select one or more topics from the above list (or work out your own topic(s) if approved by your tutor) and conduct a research analysis based on your case.
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