300736 Concrete Structures School Of Computing Engineering And Mathematics Analysis 2868236
300736: Concrete Structures- School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics-Analysis & Design Assignment
Part 1: Load Combinations:
a) Determine the load combinations for the permanent, imposed and superimposed loads using AS/NZS 1170.0 and 1170.1 (2002).
b) Determine the required design actions such as M*, V* and N* for slab, column and beam designs for both serviceability and strength limit states.
c) Provide the required bending moment, shear and axial force diagrams for the beams, slabs and columns using the software package such as Microstran or other forms of calculation.
Please take notes that wind loads will be resisted by the service and lift core of the structure which is subcontracted out. (Not required to design by your team)
Part 2: Analysis and Design:
Design all the required members such as the floor slabs, columns and beams and
provide adequate drawings or sketches showing elevations and cross-sections for the
each members.
a) Floor slabs
b) Columns
c) Primary and secondary beams
d) Detailing, report presentation and group management
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