3 Use An Appropriate Costing Technique To Recommend Whether Valex Should Offer A 10 2916479
3. Use an appropriate costing technique to recommend whether Valex should offer a 10% discount to JS Stores to secure the tender. Your answer should explain the rationale behind your recommendation and discuss at least THREE other factors which the Board should take into account in its final appraisal of the situation. (12 marks) 4. Critically evaluate Inpharm’s trading results and cash flows in 2013 against its budget for 2013, using your interpretation of the variances as well as other information supplied in the case study to comment on any vulnerabilities in Inpharm’s profit and cash forecasts for 2014-2018. (18 marks) 5. Recommend whether Valex should participate in the JV with Inpharm, or seek to buy Inpharm, or walk away from both opportunities. You should refer to the results of the investment appraisal for each opportunity and discuss at least FOUR factors (financial or non-financial) which the Board should take into consideration in relation to the option that you recommend. (18 marks) 6. Demonstrate the impact of raising equity to fund the option you recommended in Question 5, describing TWO aspects of equity investment that might prove challenging for the company, and supporting your answer with calculations of Valex’s liquidity, capital structure and financial risk under your chosen funding scenario. (10 marks) Total marks 100 marks Document Preview:
MSc Management with Streams Accounting and Decision Making Summative Assignment Deadline for submission: 4pm on 19 August 2014 Submission via Turnitin Follow instructions given overleaf Created with an evaluation copy of Aspose.Words. To discover the full versions of our APIs please visit: https://products.aspose.com/words/ PAGE Created with an evaluation copy of Aspose.Words. To discover the full versions of our APIs please visit: https://products.aspose.com/words/ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS Your assignment must be submitted via Turnitin A Student Training video on how to use Turnitin may be found at the following URL: HYPERLINK “http://turnitin.com/en_us/training/student-training/submitting-a-paper” http://turnitin.com/en_us/training/student-training/submitting-a-paper Please ensure your submission is in Microsoft Word and not pdf. It must be -submitted in one document, not multiple documents. You must confirm that you have read and fully understood the rules governing plagiarism when you formally submit this piece of work for marking. Please refer to the General Academic Regulations and Manual of Policies and Procedures which are available on Blackboard within Regulatory Framework of the ‘Academic Registry’ tab. You must remember to include the declaration form which acts as your signed declaration. Here you are reminded that you must not write your name anywhere on your submission. Once loaded to this Turnitin site, you are not permitted to amend your submission. You have one option to submit so please be 100% sure in your mind that what you submit to Turnitin is what you intend to submit. It remains your responsibility to ensure you submit a cohesive piece of work which adheres to all the rules and regulations as outlined by BPP. CASE STUDY INFORMATION Valex Limited Market background Sports nutrition is the scientific analysis of fluid and food consumed by an athlete. It is an important part of many…
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