25503 Investment Analysis The Assignment Should Be Completed In Groups Of Maximum 4 3440054
25503 Investment Analysis
Assignment—Part I
Spring 2019
1. The assignment should be completed in groups of maximum 4 students (your group
does not need to be in the same tutorial class). All group members receive the
same mark.
2. One representative from each group must email the subject coordinator (at
[email protected]) by 5pm Friday 9 August 2019 with the names
and student numbers of all the group members. No changes can be made to group
membership after this date without obtaining consent from the subject coordinator.
It is your responsibility to find a group, keep the group together, and to ensure that
all deadlines are met.
3. Help: For consultation times, please check UTSOnline and the subject outline.
Note that email is not an efficient way for asking questions about the assignment;
please post any questions on the UTSOnline discussion board.
4. Due date: A hard copy of the assignment should be submitted in the assignment
box marked “FINANCE 4” located in Building 8, Level 5, by 5:00pm Monday
2 September 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted and no soft copy is
5. Complete a cover sheet (available on UTSOnline) with all the signatures from your
group members and attach it to a printout of your answers.
6. The assignment computations are to be done in Excel, but the solutions may be
pasted into Word and formatted for submission. The final report, including all
text, tables and figures should be printed out on A4 paper with a minimum font
size of 12. Also, the final report (excluding the cover sheet) should not exceed 12
pages in length.
7. Do not round your interim calculations. Your final values should be rounded to the
nearest 6th decimal for reporting purposes.
Subject Coordinator: Vitali Alexeev
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Finance Discipline GroupUTS Business School25503 Investment AnalysisAssignment|Part ISpring 20191. The assignment should be completed in groups of maximum 4 students (your groupdoes not need to be in the same tutorial class). All group members receive thesame mark.2. One representative from each group must email the subject coordinator ([email protected]) by 5pm Friday 9 August 2019 with the namesand student numbers of all the group members. No changes can be made to groupmembership after this date without obtaining consent from the subject coordinator.It is your responsibility to nd a group, keep the group together, and to ensure thatall deadlines are met.3. Help: For consultation times, please check UTSOnline and the subject outline.Note that email is not an ecient way for asking questions about the assignment;please post any questions on the UTSOnline discussion board.4. Due date: A hard copy of the assignment should be submitted in the assignmentbox marked FINANCE 4″ located in Building 8, Level 5, by 5:00pm Monday2 September 2019. Late submissions will not be accepted and no soft copy isrequired.5. Complete a cover sheet (available on UTSOnline) with all the signatures from yourgroup members and attach it to a printout of your answers.6. The assignment computations are to be done in Excel, but the solutions may bepasted into Word and formatted for submission. The nal report, including alltext, tables and gures should be printed out on A4 paper with a minimum fontsize of 12. Also, the nal report (excluding the cover sheet) should not exceed 12pages in length.7. Do not round your interim calculations. Your nal values should be rounded to thenearest 6th decimal for reporting purposes.Subject Coordinator: Vitali Alexeev1You will nd an Excel workbook called AssignmentData.xlsx on UTSOnline which is neededto complete this assignment. It contains weekly index data for several country indices.Due to the reputation…
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