1 Please Read Carefully And Answer The Scenario 2 At The Minimum Submissions Should 2903198
1. Please read carefully and answer the scenario 2. At the minimum, submissions should reflect your understanding of the course material. Ensure that your answer reflects material covered in the course text books or assigned reading. If using material from outside of the above sources, then please reference the source (APA format). 3. Maximum of 1500 words total for the entire exam. 4. Once completed, upload your work in a MS Word or RTF format to BlackBoard under the assignments Final exam section. Make sure your document name follows the following format Document Preview:
ISEC 615 Fundamentals of Security Technologies Final Exam Instructions Please read carefully and answer the scenario At the minimum, submissions should reflect your understanding of the course material. Ensure that your answer reflects material covered in the course text books or assigned reading. If using material from outside of the above sources, then please reference the source (APA format). Maximum of 1500 words total for the entire exam. Once completed, upload your work in a MS Word or RTF format to BlackBoard under the assignments Final exam section. Make sure your document name follows the following format: firstname.lastname final exam.docx or Firstname.lastname final exam.rtf Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a zero for the final exam. Consider the Silver Star Mines case study beginning on page 507 and continuing on page 529 of your textbook. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”–Albert Einstein It is often valuable for organizational leaders to check their assumptions when dealing with systemic organizational problems by bringing in “fresh eyes” who do not share in the organization’s culture, habits or biases. You are a consultant that has been retained by Silver Star Mines management to provide an outside perspective on the implications of the initial review that has been performed by the security analyst. Write a memorandum to the management of Silver Star Mines that suggests how management should respond to the issues discovered in the initial review. Feel free to disagree with the management decisions made in the case study, but do so in a professional and well-reasoned manner. Do not exceed 1500 words.
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