1 Hard Copy Of Assignment Should Be Stapled In The Top Left Corner And Submitted To 2914351
1. Hard copy of assignment should be stapled in the top left corner and submitted to the School Office. 2. Electronic copy of assignment should be submitted through the Turnitin software. 3. 10% of marks are awarded for satisfactory use of language and/or good presentation. 4. 5% of marks are awarded for satisfactory referencing and/or presentation of a bibliography where either is required. Note that all referenced work should be obtained from credible sources. 5. Students should ensure that they comply with Glyndwr University’s plagiarism policy. 6. Students should make correct use of the Harvard referencing method. Learning Outcomes Tested in this Assignment : 1. To identify the sources of finance available to various business entities and understand who uses financial statements and why. 2. To understand the content of basic financial statements and be able to analyse, using various financial indicators, the performance of a business. Would students please note that achievement of the learning outcomes for this assessment is demonstrated against the assessment criteria shown below (which are not necessarily weighted equally). All marks/grades remain indicative until they have been considered and confirmed by the Assessment Board Assessment Criteria Grade Awarded Grade Available 1 Identify sources of finance available to the various business entities (Sole trader, Partnerships, Private Limited Companies, and Public Limited Companies). 10% 2 Explain who uses financial statements, and why they use them. 15% 3 Describe the information source, format, content and purpose of the financial statements (Income Statement, and Statement of Financial Position). 20% 4 Calculate ratios, and then explain what each ratio means and give possible reasons for the differences in the results of the individual ratios over the two years. 40% 5 Satisfactory use of English, including grammar, spelling, clarity of presentation. 10% 6 All sources of information are to be referenced satisfactorily 5% Additional Comments from Second marker or External Examiner (if required) : LEARNING OUTCOMES 3. Identify the sources of finance available to various business entities and understand who uses financial statements and why. 4. To understand the content of basic financial statements and be able to analyse the financial performance of a business using various financial indicators. Scenario Your organisation, Alpha plc, producer of hi-tech scientific equipment, is introducing a graduate intake programme and financial awareness is going to be part of the induction training. You have been tasked to provide literature on the sources of finance available to an organisation. 1. Prepare a report outlining sources of finance available, the advantages and disadvantages of each of these for a business (including the costs of these sources). The work you have produced for the graduate induction programme has been very well received. It has been identified that graduates also need to know how to examine the financial health of a business for decision-making purposes. To accomplish this you should: 2. Explain who uses financial statements, and why they use them.
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